A Request

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Silence. Not one sound. No chirping of any birds, no alarm from any phone, no weather forecast from any meteorologist on television. Absolutely nothing.

Silence was what greeted a certain young girl when she awoke from her slumber. With half open eyes, she awaited for her blurry sleepy haze to pass so that her eyes could adjust to her surroundings. Slowly, she began to make out the shapes and objects that surrounded her and her hazy memory began to come back to her as her drowsiness wore off. She grumbled, bringing a hand up to her face and drawing her (h/l) (h/c) hair back.


She sighed loudly and turned from her side to her back, blinking a few times at the ceiling. Yesterday's events began to come in pieces, many parts missing, however she was able to get a good grasp at what happened and when she did...


She threw a hand to her blushing face, groaning soon after. If her memory served correct, she remembered going to a friendly gathering with her old high school classmates last night. During the gathering, she found herself to the nearest fountain of "punch," and may have gotten a few more than 3 glasses. Everything after that was blurry but she remembered seeing bits and pieces of a particular purple haired young man.

"...Kokichi," she mumbled, trying to jog her memory further.

She remembered being carried by two familiar people back to her car. The same young man and a tall fern hair colored gentleman. Some words were exchanged between the two but everything sounded so far away to her. The taller boy kept scratching the back of his neck with a guilty smile on his face, shaking his head and seeming apologetic. Once the two were done talking, Kokichi moved towards the car and got into the driver's seat, sighing heavily.

"Punch? Hmph, my ass..."

The last thing she remembered before passing out was seeing his slightly shaky hands turn on the car and put it in drive.

"Shaky?..." she managed to whisper aloud, furrowing her eyebrows slightly.

She tried to raise her body, however she was immediately greeted with strong aches that rang throughout her body. She let out an exasperated gasp with the sudden pain and fell back down onto the bed.

"Ah...! What?"

She hugged herself, not knowing what part of herself to hold since the pain seemed to come from everywhere. She stayed there, trying to recuperate from what she just experienced and took deep breathes.


She was fine a second ago? Where did all this pain come from? Frustration ate at her as even more questions began to arise.

"Need answers..."

She looked around for her phone, checking the nightstands and underneath her blankets and pillows only to come up empty.

"Damn it..."

She had no choice. With everything she had, she raised herself once more, the aches and pains hit her again and she clenched her teeth, trying to ignore it as she flung herself off the bed. Her feet hit the ground and she stumbled forward, she threw her arms up against the wall and panted, trying to catch her breath.


Her legs were crying to give out on her but she pressed forward and forced herself to walk out of the bedroom. A few pained groans leaving her lips as she opened her door and walked out into the hallway. She heard soft noises coming from the living room so she began to make her way there. The sunlight lit up her entire house, forcing her to squint her tired eyes as she reached the living room. There, she could see someone lazily leaning back on her couch, flipping through her channels on the tv. The television's volume was super low, she was surprised if they could even hear anything. Limping closer to the couch she moved towards the front of it to see who it was. When she did so, they seemed to notice her out of the corner of their eye since they quickly turned their head to see what was moving. She was greeted with a familiar smug look she knew all too well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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