The new beginning

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I walk through the streets of New York yelling "uh strange object flies in the air.. You heard it right here!" I hand the paper to a lady as she gave me a dime. I smile and hold it up "ha and they told me girls cant be newsies." I stuffed the dime in my pocket and I walk off to sell my last newspaper for today. I'm a Brooklyn newsie, so that means im tough like Spot, my uh my big brother. Once I finished the last paper, I look around and realize I'm not in Brooklyn territory....... I'm in Manhattan territory. How could I have gotten here, it was right. I have kept to the side of Brooklyn. I saw Jake Kelly, the lead Newsie of Manhattan. I rolled my eyes and started to turn back but it was way too late, THE Jack Kelly have spotted me and I'll be in big trouble

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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