"You insolent pile of scum!" Strawberry waves of fire stream down the young womens back.

"You tricked me, you turned my whole coven against me!" Green eyes turn dark as blood.

"And what's worse, is that I have to kill you now." Pink plump lips,  upturn as green painted fingernails snap together

Lydia's Pov:

I stare at the enscripted lettering on the mans motor jacket. *S.S* it reads in a fancy silver font across the back.

"What can S.S stand for?" I question the early peaking sun, running my slender fingers through my strawberry locks.

"Fuck it, I'll figure it out when I take it back to the boss." I bend down careful not to hit the mans open neck wound. Wrapping my fingers around the black silky surface I pull the jacket off.

Throwing it on I examine myself in the dimly lit hotel room. My eyes return to their shade of forest green and I give my fingers a good lick,  on each side to prevent from being found.

This is going to be a long ride home.

Stiles POV:

"When you work for criminal  intelligence,  you actually have to be smart." I laugh at the joke giving our lead professer a thumbs up.

"This is what we are going to try to teach you here at FBI head quarters,  do I make myself clear?" The man shouts, I reply with my usual "yes sir, yes sir." The man smiles approvingly at me.


"Stiles, you in here?" Long tan legs step into the bunker.

"Malia what do you want?" I stare irritatingly at the girl walking towards me.

"To go into a field Op mission." She smiles seductively, taking a seat on one of the beer chests across from me.

Once upon a time that would have been enough to get what she wanted but not anymore.

"Your not going into a field op mission, you'd risk us being seen, we can't have that." Her smile turns dark as she glares at me.

"The hell I would, Stiles someone is after you, I want to protect you,  protect us, and protect the future of this academy,  I can't fucking do that if I work radio every single day,  now can I?" She frowns crossing her legs.

I stop, I look at her long wavy brown hair, her almost perfect smile, her stubbornness.

"Malia, your not her. You will never be,  now get out of my bunker before I make you leave myself." I close my eyes as I hear the heavy metal bunker door slam.

No matter how hard I try,  I can't forget her. I can't forget Lydia Tate.

Lydia's POV:

"Ugh I don't have all day, ya see sweet heart I have been put on a special mission, okay,  so I need you to coroperate and I might let you walk out of here with your head." I yawn examining my nails as the women freezes.

"Your a Tate sister." Damn this chick is dumb.

"Yes we've established this already now answer my question." I glare flicking my tongue out like a snake.

"But how, there are only two Tate sisters and I know them personally, Allison and Malia."

"Ah yes, Allison the pure, and Malia the brave ya de ya de ya, now tell me where I can find the person engraved on this jacket or I'll, hmm... Ill torch this place." I snap my fingers and a blazzing ball of fire appears.

"But if your a Tate..." Here we go again.

"Dear I am going to count from ten an then I'm going to release a fiery inferno on this place." I grit my teeth as the women stares back at me wordlessly.

"Where's your coven?" I stop in my tracks.

"What did you say, how dare you ask a powerful Tate witch where her coven is!" I shout, thinking about the man I gutted like a fish a few hours prior.

"Ah such a shame, you see times up and you still couldn't give me what I wanted. So say goodbye to your precious... What ever the hell this is."

"Inferious!" I drop my hand as the ball grows bigger consuming everything in its path.

"Such a shame she would of made a great partner in crime." I turn to see the women going up in flames.

I make it halfway across the street to an abandoned warehouse,  before the entire building explodes.

"God dammit, now what the hell do I do?" I feel something wet and slimy slide down my cheek.

I barley touch it, as it makes its way onto my finger. A silver tear as clear as the afternoon sky now lays a puddle in my squished palm.

I wasn't sure how to start this off so I tried my best.
To give you a little more insight to the story. Lydia's memories have been wiped, she is indeed a witch but the reason she was removed from her coven. Is not the reason your thinking. And yasss, Stiles is an FBI agent in training. Whoot whoot. Allison will come into the story a little later. Malia doesnt know that she is a tate. Because she was adopted by peter hale. Who in my story is a good guy I know surprise surprise😂

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Let's get this to 30 reads we can do it.

Keep being sweet!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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