Meeting Tal

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Hazel pov

You know those typical highschool movies, where you can walk through the halls and literally tell what cliques are what and who belongs with who and who doesn't belong? Well that's my highschool. Dixon high, of you guessed it, good ol Tennessee.

Well, let me give you the good old MTV tour of my crib, but instead of my crib, my high school.

Walking down the hall to the left of the girls bathroom, we have the jocks. They think that hanging around the girls bathroom will suddenly make them any less gay for eachother.

Farther down just right of the stairs are the plastics, the so called populars of this little Tennessee school. The ones with bleach pin curl hair, orange tan, and matching juicy track suits. Best stay away or you too, will become a bleach blonde cheeto.

Going down those stairs, you'll find what the school calls, subzero. Subzero contains the misfits, nerds, and self proclaimed psychos of Dixon high.

Room 105, that's where the nerds have populated. It's got band nerds, computer nerds, book nerds. Even the candy. You want a nerd, you go buy in room 105.

Across the hall in room 104, you've got the psychos. The church kids, the literal embodiment of the movie Carrie. Now this is only the special bible thumpers. The ones who literally bump nasties reciting bible passages and have killed people for being a sinner. We call them psychos, they call themselves Christians.

And finally, the room all the way in the back, room 108. My homeland. My savior. The misfits. We have hippies, pot heads, strippers, hipsters, emos. You name it, we have it. This is generally a tight nit family, not one that shuns new additions, but it's rare we get a new recruit to our misfit army.

You'll have to understand why it's a bit strange that a black haired, blue eyed, tattooed, and pierced spitfire is literally thrown into our palace of tranquil stonertude.

Upon the little spitfire being thrown in, we all notice a familiar blonde haired she devil being pulled in with her. Tony McVee. Suddenly, the little one is pummeling McVee, when I say pummeling, I mean, fists of fury flying at fake lip injections like a midget to candy. No one dared say anything for a second before I realized someone might actually be killed in our little heaven slice, if someone doesn't stop the fight.

So naturally, I step in. I pick up fists of fury and carry her out while lip injections is checked out to be sure she's not dead.

Kicking and screaming i carry spitfire to an empty classroom at the opposite end of the hall, using all of my might not to drop the 100 pound ball of anger.

"Calm down, you angry ball of something." I say setting the small girl down, blocking the door behind me.

"Let me go back and finish kicking her ass." The little thing says panting

"Not a chance. What the hell happened and who the fuck are you." I say crossing my arms curiously

"The cunt dumped water on my fucking head while I was smoking and for your FUCKING information, my name is fucking Tal. Not ball of something." She says obviously seething anger.

"Well, Tal, as much as I'd love to see Tony get the shit kicked out of her, I cannot allow you to carry your tirade on any longer. See, you disrupted our little room with your cat fight." I said more amused than annoyed

"Uh. Congrats you egotistical lesbo, but I will not stand here and listen to some giant tell me what I can and cannot do. If you'll excuse me, I've got some teeth to kick in." She said attempting to shove me away from the door

"Nah, I'd rather stay here and get to know you." I said pushing her back just a bit so she wasn't in my bubble yo.

"Bite me." She said rolling her eyes walking to a desk in the corner, obviously getting that I wasn't gonna move from the door.

**end of chapter one**

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