After the Battle

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The battle had just ended and Hermione ran to find Ron who had ran off. She knew he was sad but she wanted to find him-at least know where he was. Eventually gave up and went to the library. It was chilly and abandoned, but not destroyed. She walked through, and there she found Ron.
"Oh" she said
"It's fine." Ron said shortly. He was sitting on a small couch. Hermione sat next to him. He turned his head away because he did not want Hermione to see him cry. It was obvious by the sniffing and the heaving breaths. After a few minutes, Hermione said
"Ron do you want to talk."
"I don't- just-not right now." He said thickly. When Hermione got up to leave, Ron quickly said
"Please stay"
"Ron. I was going to get some food do you want any?" He thought for a minute
"A little I guess."
A few minutes later, she returned with some pork roast and macaroni. Ron ate it slowly with his head still turned away from Hermione. When he had finally turned to Hermione she was sitting as far from him as possible, giving him space, and reading a book. He scooted  over and out his head on her shoulder. She repositioned so his head was on her chest.
"What am I gonna do?" He said burying his face in her chest
"right now, I'm not sure, but I promise that we'll figure something out." Hermione said putting an arm around Ron. He eventually fell asleep. The next morning, he was gone, but there was a note. "Meet me in the Ravenclaw common room when you wake up." It said
She got up and walked stiffly to the meeting place. Thankfully, she didn't run into anyone. Her 5 minute walk was peaceful until she walked into the common room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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