A love lost

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Why me?
Pain, it's all I've ever seen.
I've seen more blackouts than the night sky has ever shown me.
stars up in the sky; befriended me.
Wandering around my head, like it was their hometown.
Sticks and stones may break my bones. May?
Broken. Shattered. More casts than a musical production.
Black and blue - secluded and cold.
It's all I've seen,
Why me?

Still - I beg you.
Pleading you not to fall in love without me,
I beg you.
Hearts like the Titanic,
beautiful but sinking.
Sinking with dread,
lifeless without you.

Your arms are my asylum,
holding me.
Except for this time, I did not want to break free.
I wanted to be stationed there,
forever would do me.

The cold long nights,
we once shared; drag.
Whimpering in the atmosphere.
For yet you are warm,
with hands to hold and kisses to exchange.
I lay awake until the twilight hours.
For now, I only have the moon to talk to.

Consoling myself with regrets I should have never,
replaying visions of you and I.
From love to loss,
Was it all my fault?
Am I to blame?
Or was this just your;
Your dirty careless game?

The here and now is all I have left,
banishing the feelings,
I longed to share.
For I am the girl,
you loved and left.
No hesitation; no fear.

You left me for her,
and now free,
with not a single care: I was me.

Who am I kidding?
Love has been lost,
beaten and forgotten.
For now forever haunted.
Haunted by my ghostly past.

Why me?
Pain, it's all I've ever seen.
I've seen more blackouts than the night sky has ever shown me.
stars up in the sky; befriended me.
Wandering around my head, like it was their hometown.
Sticks and stones may break my bones. May?
Broken. Shattered. More casts than a musical production.
Black and blue - secluded and cold.
It's all I shall ever see.

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