Taichi x reader

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Disclaimer: I do not own this character. He is from the anime called Chihayafuru. (Watch it. It's beautiful)
Alright then, let's get started my dudes

You're walking around your school trying to find at least one club you can join.
"Nobody's gonna take me, all the other clubs didn't want me." You sigh and mosey your way a little outside the school. You're lost in your thoughts until you hear something. Something like a pebble hitting a window.
Curious, you make your way towards the sound. As you get closer to a smaller building away from the school, the sound gets louder. You can hear loud thumps and someone singing poems you've heard many times before.
"What in the world.?"
You creep closer and as you're about to turn the corner, a little card flies out past your face.
"Ah! I got it!" You hear a male voice call out. The guy runs out the glass door and grabs the card, not noticing you until he turns to head back.
"Huh? Who are you?"
You couldn't believe your eyes. The boy in front of you was none other than Taichi from class b.
"U-uhm, you're.. T-Taichi?"
You muster up some words.
From the looks of it, he seems surprised you know him.
"Ah.. yes I am." He replies.
"TAICHI WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?! IM TRYNA KICK YOUR BUTT AT KARUTA HERE!!" A females voice rings through your ears as you see a beautiful young lady peep her head through the door.
"Huh? Oh! Hey I know you! You're
(y/n) from class A aren't you? I'm Chihaya!" She reaches out her hand to shake yours.
You blush instinctively as you gently shake her hand.
"Y-you know me?" You question her.
She smiles and replies;
"Of course I do! You're a fellow Karuta lover right?"
You nod slightly.
"Yes, I've played it almost all my life."
She grins and grabs your shoulders with excitement, her eyes gleaming like stars.
Your eyes widen.
"C-club?" Finally! This is your chance to prove your worth!
"Uhm, y-yes! I'd love to join!"
Taichi lightly bonks Chihaya on the head.
"Don't scare the poor girl Chi."
He turns to you and smiles kindly.
"Welcome to the club, (y/n)."
You blush as he says your name.
"Ah.. t-thank you."
(Time leap to nationals)
You're sweating. You're terrified. You already know you're the best player out of the team, but now the match is on your shoulders like a boulder.
You lean in and listen closely.
As each card gets called out, you slap the cards away swiftly.
You start to feel dizzy. Your vision starts going blackish.
'What's happening to me?'
You can't feel your arms as you black out and fall forward onto the mat. You can swear you hear Taichi's voice calling out to you.
You suddenly wake up in a small room with a cold towel on your forehead.
You blink a few times to clear your vision and as you look up, you see Taichi's sleeping face.
"Eh..?" Sudden realization hits you as you notice your head is resting on his lap. You start to panic as you swing your head up, accidentally whacking your forehead against his, causing him to immediately wake up and hold his head.
"Ow! What the hell was tha-" he looks around and then looks at you.
"Oh, you're awake! Are you alright?" He moves close to you to feel your forehead for temperature.
Your face heats up at his touch.
"Hmm... you have a bit of a fever."
You shake your head.
"N-no I'm fine! I don't h-have a fever!"
You spit out.
He tilts his head in confusion.
"Then what's wrong? Seems like something's on your mind."
You look into his eyes then look down.
"It's.. nothing really.."
You sigh in defeat as your hair covers your face.
You feel a soft hand lift up your hair and rest at the back of your head.
"(Y/n)... can I tell you something?"
Taichi asks in a quiet voice.
You look at him once again and nod.
"What is it?"
He looks a bit off as he tries to find his words.
"Well.. E-ever since we met and you joined our club, you've brought a lot of joy in the clubs life... and well.. w-what I'm trying to say is.. y-you're very beautiful and I-I.. uh..."
he swings his head back in embarrassment for his stuttering and takes a deep breath.
"I like you (y/n)"
Your heart jumps.
"You... eh?" Confusion fills your head, trying to process this.
"I-is this a fever dream or something? Y-yeah I'm probably dreaming! T-that can't be real!" You rush.
He chuckles a little and sighs.
"Would this help?"
He leans in slowly and places his lips on yours gently.
Yup. It's real.
Your face flushes as you lean into the soft kiss.
After a bit, you both pull away and look at each other.
Before either of you can say anything,
The door bursts open and in runs Chihaya with a trophy.
She looks at you both.
"Uhm... I uh. Well this is awkward!"
She quickly leaves holding the trophy but before she closes the door she yells.

So there you have it! Part one of this massive series! Hope you all enjoyed. Like I said, I will take requests. If you have any, please message me and I'll get straight to work and you'll get a little shoutout in the story at the beginning. Thanks again guys!

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