Slave Market

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Houses made of wood, a whole village. a training ground to the east side of village,at the west side lies a huge market, a market where slaves are sold and bought, going straight north is the arena, where slaves and warrior slave all are fighting and the survivors are sold to the highest bidder. this place is not very Huge, but it is save from all the wars and the horrors of the world. No supernatural can ever dare to walk straight in this village. a warrior bought from here is worth ten soldiers of an army, a 100 warriors of this place can take down an army of 1000 soldiers. this is where all the kings and queens come to buy the defenders and protectors. this place is ruled by a man named braken. everyone fear him this family have ruled this place for centuries, and no one can rise against them cause everyone fear them.

its morning time, the sun is covered with clouds, the forest surrounding the village is dark, very dark today. from the south the village gate opens and a man marches in with a 100 men on horses. two men leading them. the man to the left is the scribe to the king from the north of azkabaz. Azkabaz is the strongest northern empire. and they have sent these men to get something really precious from the slave market. the men to the right is the general to the armies of azkabaz and the free north. 

the scribe says

 ' my lord, this is the most dangerous place in the world, we must be careful here' 

zeilous is the name of general, he replies

'i am not the general of the northern free armies just cause i can wield a sword, i know my words and i know how to use them, just as good as i can use my sword.' 

a man approaches them

' Welcome my lords, to the slave market. i am the sparrow of this place'

general asks

'what is a sparrow'

scribe says

'oh my liege, a sparrow is like a guide, they know everything about this place and they can help you find what you need'

general says

'oah, good, than may be you can help us'

sparrow says

'my lord yes, here to the left is the house of the forest, you can buy he green men there, or women what ever you prefer, they are extremely fast, and called as the protectors of forests. when they are exiled, so they are sold here, they wear green clothes have long ears, and are a great line of race from the elves of the ninth elderlum'

general says

'good but i am not here for them or any other supernatural thing, i am here for the man they say is worth more than an army'

sparrow says

'my lord in this slave market you can find and buy anything the 9 realms have, there is only one thing that you cant buy and that's the guardian'

general says

'guide me to him, and your job is done'

sparrow says

'very well my liege'

he lead them to north straight to the biggest house in the village which is more bigger than a castle it holds an arena, where forces of darkness fight and kill each other. as they enter they see a fight between two man, but they were no men, one had horn big and sharp and straight and had lags like a crocodile,and the rest was a man. upon asking they told them that it is a Minotaur. and the other was a normal man except for his eyes were red and his nails were really big and sharp. upon asking they found out it was a vampire. they arrived in front of braken's huge chair.and they see a man, young having long hairs and blue eyes with red ring around the blue of the eye. his hands were like black stones from the elbow. and his nails were like a tigers nails. and it seemed like his back was covered with stones. and his lower body was completely covered with the same stones like structure.only his chest stomach and head was like a normal person. but more beautiful than anything. he had a sword huge, and sharp, and strong, strong like in can cut through a mountain.

general says

'my lord braken, i have been send by the king of azkabaz and the free north, to buy your most prized possession and the kind is willing to pay you as much as you desire, and what ever your desire'

braken smiles 

'my dear general, do you know how many enemies i have in this room, forget the world. every single man and every other thing in this room wants to kill me. the only reason i still breath is cause of this boy. this guardian, they say he is a sword no man can ever wield, they are right. he might protect me but i cant rule him or sell him or order him around. he served this family all his life. the only reason slave market still stands is cause even the dragons fear to put a step here. go tell your king, even if he is willing to give me the entire north its still not enough to buy this weapon.'

general looks at the guardian while the guardian still looking at the fight.general walks out of the house and leaves the slave market.........

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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