Slamming Lockers

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All through out the high school you heard many sounds. Some i don't really wish to detail all that much. The most common sound you hear in high school though is slamming lockers. Sometimes its out of anger, happiness, or may the person was just day dreaming. Take me fore example. I'm one of those people who day dream while there walking there way across the crowded hallways of the high school. While in the middle of my day dream i ran into the perfect (not) person. Well she was perfect in her mind anyways. "Jeez watch where your going freak" She said glaring at me with her green eyes as she flicked her short blond hair and walked past me. 'oh great, more rage in my life that's just what i need.' Oh well. Not everyone has a perfect life i guess. Accept for that little brat who thinks that life is just handed to you on a silver platter. I stood up and dusted off my dark blue jeans and straightened my black shirt. I looked back at her across from my shoulder and glared at her through my black bangs as my light blue eyes reflected the sun light. I picked up my back pack and threw it over my shoulder. When all of a sudden...


I heard a large bang come from the across the hall. So i walked over to see what it was and surprise surprise it was my blond idiot. There he stood with a big smile on his face.

"Let me guess the locker dumped you again. Good for you and freedom" I said patting him on the shoulder.

"Hit me with as much sarcasm as you want Jake. But it wont matter cause nothing will ruin today for me." He said smirking.

"Oh wow. Something really good must have happened did you finally learn how to tie your shoe?" I asked him sarcastically.

"YOU PROMISED WE'D NEVER SPEAK OF THAT. And no. I got a date. With Karan." He said proudly.

I thought for a second then it clicked in my mind who he was talking about. "James you cant be serious you mean Karan. The Karan. As in the spoiled reach that just pushed me down in the hall." I asked. Well technically i ran into her but she didn't fall so I blame her. "What could you possibly gain from dating her?" I asked him confused.

"A hot girl. And who knows she might be alot nicer than you think Jake." He said with that inocent way he has.

"Whatever" I said tugging my bag to secure it on my shoulder. I turned away form him and walked out the two doors of the school and began to walk home,

'what the heck is wrong with him? He does realize who hes going out with right? oh well if that boy wants to go down a life filled with heartbreak and regret then more power to him. But still he's a good guy. I just hope she lets him off easy.'


the next second i was on the ground. "Hey stop day dreaming and watch it" A girl said. I hardly got a good look at her when she dashed off again. I stood up and looked up at the cloudy sky. It slowly became darker and it began to rain. Oh great.


Again i ended up on the ground.

"WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO KNOCK ME DOWN TODAY!!!" I yelled out loud but at the time i hadn't realized it.

The man stopped in his tracks and shot me a dirty glare. Then i thought to myself 'oh shit what have I gotten myself into???' I stood up and began to walk the other way. I began to think to myself. Should I follow them. That man didn't look very happy at all, and he was heading in that girls direction. Maybe it would be better if I just stayed out of it. But then again if anything happened to her and i knew that i could have done something I would probably never again have a clear  conscious . I sighed heavily knowing that my subconscious has defeated me once again. I guess what they say is true (by they of course I mean James). A person may be hard as steel on the outside but there soft on the inside. And no I'm not trying to sounds self absorbed. I began running after the man and the girl. What on earth am i doing? This is crazy what if its actually nothing that girl might think that I'm a stalker. I took a sharp turn around the corner and it led into an ally way. Oh great i probably lost them. I began to walk deeper into the dark ally way. I looked around and i was surrounded by walls. "ah forget it...I obviously lost them. I'm going back" I said to myself turning around when i noticed that the entrance to the ally way was no longer there. I just stood there with wide eyes and I wasn't sure what to think. I looked above me and there was no rain no cloudy skies no nothing.

oh I dead??? I asked myself.

"No not yet" I heard a voice echoing from all directions. For some reason it made me feel....well sleepy. Figures, it always happens like that in the movies. Something weird happens then something else happens to make the main character pass out. The last thing i want is to get involved in a strangers business. By this time I wasn't able to talk. 'Listen I don't want to get involved in anything you may be doing.' I thought. The words didn't seem to leave my mouth though. It was weird. Everything seemed so weird now, so distant. After that...well i Just completely lost all feeling.

I don't know how much time had passed when I had woken up. I looked around and didn't really see much. Figures, my eye sight has always been bad so It would take at least ten minutes for it to come back to normal. I tried to sit up but something was holding me down to what ever it is i was laying on.

"Hey boss he's up" I heard a man say.

"Boss??? Oh great Ive been kidnapped by the Mafia." I said out loud not thinking that anyone was listening.

"Ha you wish you had. Sorry to disappoint you kid but i'm much worse then the Mafia" I heard a girl say.

Yeah now i really am starting to wish it were the Mafia. At least they would just kill me and get it over with. Unlike this girl it just seemed like she was going to kill me slowly. Or maybe she was going to cut me open and study my insides to take back to her home planet. Yeah call me weird, I honestly don't care by this point. I mean i was in an ally way one minute then in an echoing bow the next and i don't even know where I am now. So oh well I might as well be crazy.

"Hey you alive?" I heard the girl say again.

"I'm not sure. I kind of like my insides...well inside." I responded to her.

I heard her laugh slightly. "Your OK kid. But you need to go home" I heard her say

"Oh believe me I would gladly be out of your hair by now (no offense to her if shes bold) But I can't due to the fact that I'm strapped down to something." I said.

She laughed slightly yet again. I felt the straps around me vanish and i found the edge of the bed and sat up and held the back of my head. When i felt the back of my head i felt a slight bump. Oh great that's just what i need something else for James to bug me about. Where was i anyways? Was i going to ask? OK are you crazy of course I'm not going to ask cause then ill probably get some response like "your on an alien planet" or "welcome to the space center in the 5th dimension" or maybe ill get some crap like "as far as I'm concerned you are nowhere" and then they'll pull some mystic vudo crap.

"so where am I exactly" I said. And of course it manages to slip right out of my mouth no matter how hard i try and hold it in. See that always happens i try really hard not to say something and it finds its way out of my mind one way or another. After a few seconds with no response my vision began to come back. And i saw that i was in a white room laying on a cot of some sort.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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