Don't Forget

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Katie's P.O.V
Hi I'm Rose, Katie Rose I'm From Stillwater, Minisotta My "Best Friend" Jonah Marais Moved A Couple Of Year's Ago. The Reason I Put Parenthesis Around Best Friend Is Because He Said He Would Never Forget Me But, He Has. I Sit In My Room 24/7 Still Thinking About The Day Jonah Left To L.A
"Jonah" I said his name making me tear up as my bestfriend is leaving to pursue his dreams while I'm stuck here with my dumb parents "Yea Katie?" He asked probably scared of my responce "Are you gonna forget about me?" I questioned looking him in his eyes. Suddenly he kissed me passionately and without saying anything he pulled away and left, left me to die with my annoying big brother Holden and ecspecially annoying little sister Maci
*End Of Flashback*
"Katie come down here now and make us dinner" My mother yells from downstairs probably sitting on the couch being the lazy pig she is I say pig because she is a police officer but enough about her let's get back to my Cinderella life without the happy ending. "Coming mother!!!" I said jumping out of bed and grabbing my phone. "Look who's here, the stupid lizard" my little sister said I just ignored her and made them dinner. I really don't eat much I have a eating disorder no one really cared much except Jonah so It just got worse when he left and never called or came back. I went back to my room and went on Instagram I scrolled through my feed seeing Jonah's new post I liked and commented "I wish you rememberd me" when I was done I dmed Dani, yes Jonah and Dani broke up along time ago but we are still besties after Jonah forgot me
*Conversation With Dani*
Katie: Hey Dani
Dani: Hey bestie!!!
Katie: I know you don't care but, I miss Jonah
Dani: It's ok I miss him too
*jonahmarais started following you*
Katie:Omg!!! He followed me do you think he remembers me?????
Dani:Doubt it.
*Conversation With Jonah*
JoJo:Hey! What Do You Mean I Wish You Rememberd me?
Katie:You really don't remember me
Katie:What was your childhood bestfriends name
Katie:You are as dumb as my brother. It's me I'm your childhood bestfriend
Jonah:No way. I miss you so much I'm sorry I never called you I lost all my contacts in my phone
Katie:I miss you too. Are you still in L.A?
Katie:Great. I'm going to L.A in a couple of weeks!!
JoJo:OMG REALLY. For what?
Katie:I'm hoping to become a professional dancer
JoJo:That is amazing well dm me in a couple of weeks so we could meet up
Katie:Definitely I would love to see you it has been almost 3 years
JoJo:Ok well I gtg rehearse so ttyl
Ellie:Bye JoJo 💕
*3 Weeks Later*
JoJo:Heyyyyy when are you getting in?
Katie:Actually I got in an 1 hour ago
JoJo:Wait what where are you?
Katie:I'm at my bestfriends Angelina's apartment it has 2 rooms we're living together for now
JoJo:Cool wanna meet up at Starbucks?
Katie:Yea but bring your bandmates because they're cute 🙏
Katie:Hehehehehe. Wait what Starbucks?
JoJo:*Sends Address*
Katie:Kk 10 mins I'll be there 👍
*End Of Conversation*
Jonah's P.O.V
I'm about to go meet my childhood bestfriend/crush. Yes I know she doesn't like me like that and never will but a guy's gotta hope. "Aey, guy's let's go to starbucks" I said not asking demanding "Ok c'mon peeps" Daniel said not questioning me because he is a basic white girl. When we got there she was sitting and on her phone texting someone. I sat down next to her and she looked up and just hugged me and I hugged her back "Um so like is this national hug strangers day?" Zach said stupidly "Oh hello I'm Katie, Jonah's childhood bestfriend" She said I just stared at her "Well great who is this" Jack said pointing to a girl with long black hair and brown eyes I'm guessing it is Angelina. "It's rude to point but, my name is Angelina" The other girl said sassily "I'm Jack" "More like noodle head" Katie said laughing "Your laugh is cute" Daniel said complimenting her "Thanks" she said getting redder cheeks because she already has naturally red cheeks like Zach "How old are you?" Daniel asked Katie "To young for you" Angelina said being sassy again "True though I'm 16" Katie stated I looked at Zach and his smile just enlarged "Great" Zach said sitting down on the opposite side of the booth. We all ordered and talked for like 2 hours soon enough it was time for Katie and Angelina to leave "Wait Katie, can I have your number?" Zach asked making me a bit mad "Ask Jonah for it" she walked put and I just laughed "Bro what's her number!" "I don't even have it" I said as his smile faded "Hahaha very funny c'mon let's go home already" Zach said getting up and walking out of Starbucks.

Hey guy's after this part I'm writing the story differently 👍

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