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You slipped out of the classroom quickly, slamming it shut behind you and muffling the yells. Breathing heavily, you clutched your books close to your chest and began to scurry away. You were almost down the hall when a smooth and velvety voice floated down the hall.

"Ms. (Y/N), may I ask where you're going?" A thin and sleek red fox smoothly strolled down the hallway towards you, giving a little smile as you blinked.

"Er- I was going for a walk...?" You tried to explain. Fabian chuckled, his yellow eyes shining with amusement. 

"It rather looks like you were escaping from your class again. May I ask why?" Fabian's long tail swished at the very tip, making it seem like a pendulum.

You sighed. It was the fourth time, and you couldn't hide it. "The class hates me," you blurted out. Fabian's eyes widened. "Why in the world would they hate someone like you?"

"Well, I've apparently taught them so poorly and yet so well about survival that they've been complaining. Then it got...physical." You shrugged with a little smile.

Fabian narrowed his eyes. "You should tell Zechariah about that. Students should not treat their teacher like that." His tail began to whip more and you watched it nervously.

"Well, I'm sure-" "To hell with that!" Fabian cut you off. You looked at him, shocked. "Fabian!" You exclaimed, shocked.

His tail made a large whip to the point where you ducked a bit with a yelp. He gave a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that," he apologized.

You waved it off. "It's fine," you said with a smile. "I'll tell Zech about it. He'll get it under control." Fabian nodded, his large black ears swiveling. 

"I'll come with you. I have nothing better to do, anyway," he smiled. You smiled back and the two of you traveled down the hallway in silence.

It was a few minutes before Fabian spoke. "So, I know it's been quite a bit with you working here, but why did you come here? After all, most humans don't want to come here with us 'freaks'."

You laughed. "I don't think of any of you as freaks, I just loved the possibility of meeting things I've never saw and having the chance of starting a new life! Besides..." Your eyes softened. "I had nothing better to do back then."

Fabian's tail curled and he gave a warm smile, his pretty necklace softly swishing back and forth. "Well, what matters now is that you have something to look forward to, a new day is new possibilities."

"Become a poet!" You exclaimed. "You are so formal and descriptive!" Fabian's tail kinked and his eyes brightened. "Oh, I couldn't. But I am pleased to hear your opinion of me, Ms. (Y/N)."

You laughed again as a large smirk spread across his face. Then, suddenly, the large wooden door of the principal and vice principal loomed before you. There were raised voices inside. Sharing a glance with Fabian, you opened it.

Inside, heat was rising fast. Literally. There was a large maned wolf hybrid with flames and heat smoking off of him. He was growling something at a furious Zechariah, whose giant build seemed even bigger as his fur fluffed.

"If you do it again-!" The large cheetah cut himself off as he spotted the you two. You gave a nervous grin and waved, and Fabian propped himself on his tail promptly. The other creature, a student, huffed and started towards the door.

"I'll see you later, sir," he growled, slamming the door behind him. Zech looked at the door, then at you two again. His fur flattened.

"I'm sorry about that. Galithion was having another problem in class." Zech shrugged and gave a formal smile. "So how can I be of assistance to you two?"

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