Just with the gang

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February 5th Friday


Meahera: Calm down it will warm up give it Time.

Okuda: yea I guess

*karma Akabane has entered the chat*

Karma: hey guys

Okuda:hey karma what's up

Karma: oh nothing I was just recently at Nagisas place playin some video games

Maehara: umn rude I asked if you could hang out with me today and you said you were busy

Karma: calm down that was after me and nagisa made plans to hang out.

Maehara: oh alright

*sugino has joined the chat*

*nagisa has joined the chat*

Nagisa: hey guys

Karma: sup nagisa

Sugino: hey

Nagisa: what you all up too

Karma: just got home, you

Sugino: Im hanging around cause I was tired after practicing baseball

Maehara: yea I bet that can be pretty tiring

Sugino: yep

Nagisa: I'm playing more video games


Nagisa: no karma calm down I wouldn't do that lol



Nagisa: well I'm gonna go play some more games and watch some more anime bai

*nagisa has left the chat*

Maehara: Geez " ARE YOU PLAYING ZOMBIE ASSASINATION WITHOUT ME!!!" Geez Karma Whats the big deal

Karma:... it's just our game that we promised to play with only eachother

Okuda: hehe

Sugino: oh hey okuda I didn't know you were here

Okuda: yep

Maehara: sounds like something of ur own problems, my problems are that I'm gonna get grounded if I don't go to bed, night people.

*maehara has left the chat*

Okuda: same here, night

*okuda has left the chat*

Sugino: yep I'm pretty worn out, night

*sugino has left the chat*

Karma: night guys

*karma has left the chat*

Lolol it's gonna be like a story how over text they slowly start saying more stuff abt how they really feel towards eachother.... I hope you guys like it.. like these guys it's night for me also so.. *yawn* nighty night

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