J U N E '96

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"I hate you."

Three, minuscule words that had the capability of setting my veins ablaze. As if a King Cobra had sank its fangs deep into my flesh, transmitting its deadly venom throughout my bloodstream and leaving me numb. Her tone was sullen. Her complexion: depleted. Tears of ebony occupied her once-welcoming, dough-shaped eyes before sailing past her colorless cheeks, and spilling onto the concrete tabletop. I, Devante DeGrate, was a man of copious pride. A man who suffered in silence; a man who grieved behind closed doors; one to ache by my lonesome.

But, as I witnessed my fiancé deteriorate, haughtiness could no longer imprison my secluded emotions and I, too, crumbled with no control. I destroyed her; I destroyed us. The egocentric choices I decided upon, with beliefs that they would one day make me greater, emerged from the infinite darkness I perpetually endured within the four, confined walls of hell on earth. Remorse's sinister companions howled tauntingly in my ear and made a mockery of my existence, causing my hushed weeps to develop into vicious roars of agony.

The desperation of my skeletal fingers hungered to connect with Adrienne's flawlessly manicured ones for a final time. I hopelessly pleaded, "baby," while my hands endeavored to clutch onto hers. "No touching," scolded the heavyset, caucasian, security guard, who monitored my every move. Swiftly, I withdrew and obeyed the command that was barked into my ear, as my cold blood began to scorch with embarrassment.

Adrienne's palms concealed her Creole beauty and created low and muffled sobs, "I hope you're killed in here," she spat immorally. The slight bit of aspiration that I seemed to hold close, was stolen from my aching body, alongside the air in my lungs while her wish devoured my sanity. Blood-shot and swollen, my hazy eyes observed the glittering, diamond, engagement ring, being torn from her finger.

"Adrienne, please," I bawled, rising tall, ready to lunge. "Take a seat, now, DeGrate," the guard alerted once more, only for his warning to be ignored. Adrienne succeeded in the removal of the ring and aggressively hurled it against my chest, abandoning her place across from me, scurrying toward the exit.

"This is the last time you'll see my face, Devante," she venomously ridiculed. I trudged behind the petite frame that I would desire to hold near for what felt to be an eternity, being seized rapidly by the enemy who kept me captive, as I cried out her name.

"Adrienne, don't leave me," I begged, using every ounce of strength left within my feeble bones, to break free. "You gotta let me out of here, man. That's my wife. I have a son, man, please," I sobbed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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