Are You Okay, My Kitty?

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You guys have all probably read stories about Kish getting hurt, Ichigo helping him, and Ichigo falling in love with Kish and stuff.

I mean, it's not like those are bad! In fact, there's this story called "Healing" that you guys should totally check out!

Anyways, but I bet it's so rare for a fanfic of Kishhealing Ichigo instead!

Well, here it is!

Your welcome, by the way.

And I'm suffering from crush-oitis and a cold, so don't blame me if some stuff were wrong.

Blame my crush. And karma.

Kish P.O.V

"I'm leaving, Pai. I'll be back, uh, quite soon. Notice I said quite." I said smugly as I interrupted Pai from his battle plan.

"Were you even listening?" Pai asked.


Then I left.

Best timing ever.

"Hmm, I'm going to visit my kitty!" I thought out loud.

I teleported into her lovely room, which is way too pink by the way, and put on a smug face.

"Why hello, my kitty-HOLY CRAP ARE YOU OKAY!" I shrieked as I saw Ichigo lying on her bed.

I had never seen her look so weak before.

So sick.

So helpless.


I quickly stumbled toward her and softly stroked her cheeks.

She groaned a little and sat up. Almost immediately, she went into a coughing fit.

cough cough cough-cough cough*

She opened her eyes slightly and said in a faint whisper, "Ki-Kish?"

She leaned toward me and sniffed.

I felt her forehead and discovered that it was really warm.

"I-it real-really hurts." Ichigo whispered.

Desperate to help her, I scanned the room and found nothing.

~ flashback begin ~

"Kish, we Cyniclons can imprint on someone for once in our entire life. Doing so will make that someone's health increase 50%" my dad said as he ruffled my hair.

"Why would I need this?" I asked.

He smiled.

"I just have this feeling you're need it...soon."

Out of curiosity, I asked, "How?"

"Just kiss her and it will only work if she kiss you back."

I made a face. "Ewww! Who would want to kiss someone?"

He smiled wisely.

"You'll find out."

~ flashback ends ~

Ichigo coughed again.

Feeling really desperate, I blurted, "Kiss me."

She smiled slightly.

"Being t-the perv."

"Just do it!" I said, feeling myself blush darkly.

She hesitated for a moment, but then looked at me.

I winced, seeing how much pain she's feeling.

It was as if time went by in slow-motion as she pressed her warm lips onto my mine.

She started glowing, getting brighter.

When we parted, she sniffed and yawned. The glow faded.

For the first time that day, she smiled brightly.

"Thank you."

Those words warmed my heart.

So warm.

Then she did the best thing ever.

She pecked me slightly and ruffled my hair.

"Love You!3"

"What about Masaya?" I asked.

She made a face.

"Nah screw him he dumped me."

THIS IS MAKING ME SO HAPPY! I'm still sick, though.

But seriously. DEM FLUFF THO!

I don't know what the flippin' heck came over me, but I just came up with this.

I'm sure we Masaya-haters are so happy right now!

I mean, I actually like Masaya, but he's just too prefect.

Kish is prefectly imperfect.

That makes total sense.

I'm just going to leave now.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Tokyo Mew Mew or any of the characters. If I did then Kish would be dating Ichigo in episode 1.

Read and Review!

"But what about my plan of battle!?" Pai cried.

Kish made a face.

"Nah, screw the plan. I'm dating Ichigo."

"WHAT!?" Pai roared.

In California, a earthquake just happened.

Wow, Pai, wow.

Anyways, the earthquake didn't actually happen.

Cyniclons can't actually imprint on someone and heal them.

Just my imagination people!


I'm still sick though.


Oh well :(

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