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Tatooine Village (still)

I looked up at the stars trying to count them.  I'd attempted this for years but to no prevail.  I looked to my left and saw my sister, Rey, sitting next to me.  A crash sounded from below the building we were sitting upon. I snapped back into reality.  I peered over the building arm rubbed my scar, but it wasn't there.  "Oh yeah..." I whispered to myself.  It had been three days since I'd transformed back into what I thought was my true self.  A pair of glowing eyes met mine from below.  "Look..." I said as I nudged my sister.  She looked down over the building with me. 

"I don't see anything..?"


"I'm positive..."

"Uhm...are you sure..?"


I sighed and looked back into the sky.  For a moment I thought I saw a ship but soon fell asleep in my sisters arms.  I awoke in a cold sweat.  I must have had a nightmare...although I don't remember what it was about.  I stretched my arms over my head when something caught my eye.  I peered around my room cautiously but didn't see anything.  I looked down at my hands and noticed a weird tattoo on my wrist.  It was glowing a faint Crimson.  I ignored it and stood up.  I walked out of the door and my sister immediately turned the corner.  "Brother!" She screamed as she fell in the hallway. I saw a hand firmly grasp her ankle and dragged her away.  "I'm coming!" I shouted.

I ran down the hallway and turned the corner.  I saw two cloaked figures dressed in black.  "Sith..." I muttered.  "You were once one of us..." The one holding Rey sneered.  "Yes, but that is in the past now..." I said as I pulled out my lightsaber.  It was still my red one, but I would be getting another soon.  I charged them flipping my lightsaber through the air and stabbing ones heart.  I focused on the one holding Rey.  I threw my lightsaber at him but he dodged it just in time.  My lightsaber hit the wall and closed.  "Huh? I never miss..." I thought to myself.  He threw Rey to the side and started to advance on me.  I didn't have any other weapon with me. 

I thought about using my lightning... No...I shouldn't...usually Jedi wouldn't use the power hence it tempts them to the dark side but...this was my sister... I held out my hands. He was two yards away from me now.  "You wouldn't..." He says.  "I would..." I say in a playful yet firm tone.  The room suddenly starts to dim.  He looks directly at me.  I see his glowing eyes.  The ones from the night before.  I hesitated.  He charged me and I shot my lighting with out another thought.  He collapsed one foot infront of me, violent tremors rocking his body.  I used the force to grab my lightsaber and I chopped his head off. 

"Weak..." I whispered as I closed my lightsaber an walked over to Rey.  "Rey? Are you alright?" I ask as I kneel down to her.  She weakly nods her head. I pick her up and carry her to her room, placing her on her bed.  I check her making sure she didn't have any major wounds and then walked out of her room checking the rest of the house.  I walked back into my room the uneasy feeling weighing down on me once more.  I put my lightsaber in its hold and sat on my bed. 

I looked outside the window and saw a crowd of Jedi crowded around something, curious, I walked outside and checked it out.  When they saw me they all looked at me skeptically.  I sighed and pushed through the crowd.  I look down at a young boy.  He looked about 14.  He was clothed in dark robes and had a scar underneath his left eye.  He had black and white hair and was very pale.  I picked him up shooing the crowd and took him back to my house.  I don't know why but I felt like he was special in some way.

Apologies for the short chapter but another will be posted soon.  See you around...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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