1: "Theo..."

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× I hope that you find this book at least moderately interesting. If you have a question or wanna comment, feel free. In the mean time, enjoy. ×

"I'll take this patient. She can come with me. You make sure to have an OR prepped for the male with the gun shot wound that's in room 3. " I said to another nurse. My arm was around her shoulder so I could support her body weight more easily.

When we finally made it to the next ER room, I noticed she had claws and they were definitely sticking out. I pulled out my phone to call Scott, that was until I heard her speak. It was inaudible at first, so I gently asked her, "Hey sweetie I can't hear you, what are you trying to tell me?" Her eyes burst open and she said a little louder, "Theo Raeken!" Instead of dialing my son's number, I punched in Theo's and waited for him to answer.

"You said she kept mumbling my name? Why would she do that?" Theo told me as we walked back to the girls room. We stopped right in front of her room and I said, " Yes, it looked like she was adamant about telling you something, and I'm not sure what. I get the feeling it's serious." He rolled his eyes to the side and I put my hands on my hips. "Listen, I was going to call Scott, but I called you because for some reason, I thought you'd help; I'm sorry if it's an inconvenience." His hand sprung up to his chest and over his heart in defense at my words. "Hey, I am sorry, but you know I don't care about people." A very normal amount of sarcasm dripping from his voice.

My jaw unclenched and I gave him a stern look. He lowered his gaze to the ground, while my fingers grabbed onto the door handle of the Jane Doe's room. The door slid open with ease, but my eyes caught sight of an empty bed. I held back a curse word. Theo chuckled and said, "Ms. McCall, unless she has an invisibility cloak, your Jane Doe is gone." I couldn't hold my tongue any longer, "Listen you're an ass, I don't have time for your sarcasm right now. Now use your Wolfy powers and find her."

He rolled his eyes again, and reluctantly he agreed. "Fine, but when I find her then I go." I tilt my head and say, "excuse me, you mean After you help me metaphorically declaw a werewolf, then you leave." He nods and I crack a forced smile.


I lifted the pillow off of the bed and sniffed it. Immediately I dropped the pillow back in its place, earning a slightly concerned look from Ms. McCall. "There's something I can't put my finger on... its almost familiar to me." She walked over to me then said, "Like maybe you knew her before." To which I followed up with a nod. In a split second, my head jolted up and my super hearing kicked in. "What is it? Did you hear something?" I walked closer to the door then said, "Yeah, she's on the roof." I barely even had time to blink, before I heard her say, "Goodbye world." In that moment I lunged out of the hospital room and ran through the hallways, almost bumping into everyone. I didn't even look to see if Scott's mom was following me at this point; she would eventually catch up.

My hands broke the knob to the door on the roof and I rushed out onto it. My eyes darting to every inch of the roof, finally landing on a girl about to jump. I'm not this person, but I started trying to convince her to get down from the ledge. "Hey, I know you're feeling pretty extreme feelings, but there's a better way to change those feelings right now." The girl slowly inched forward, her feet dangerously close to the edge. To avoid disappointed looks and comments from Scott, and the rest of the pack, I continued my speech.

"You don't want to do that, trust me. No one would be better off without you here, they'd be miserable because they're missing out on making a great friend." Her feet moved a sliver back away from the edge and her head turned a little sideways as if to listen to me. "I'm not the right person for this pep talk stuff, but I'm trying." My arms, and hands slowly lifting, ready to take her away from the edge. I extend my right hand so that her left could grab it, she surprisingly takes it.

Instant relief washed over my entire body when I realized who the girl was. "Raven...is that you?" She looks to me and says, "Yup it's me and I have a secret to tell. But you won't like it." My eyes scrunched together, forming a confused look to appear on my face. "Well what is it?" Her head slightly raises so her eyes are at my eye level, "I did something bad...I didn't mean to, I swear it." Frustrated, I hurriedly asked, "What is the big secret?!" She closed her eyes to inhale a breath, when she exhaled she reopened them showing glowing red eyes.


I was in the car with stiles when I got a call from Theo. "What do you want?" I say half tempted to just hang up on him. Stiles grabs the phone out of my hand and talks into it, "Nobody likes you Theo." I snatch the phone back. "Scott, there is someone you're going to want to meet, her name is Raven. Also try to keep an open mind, because once you hear why she did what she did, you'll understand." I sigh then say, "Alright, were are you guys right now?" He responds with, "At the hospital, and Scott, you better hurry." Then he hung up the phone.

We were about 20 minutes from the hospital when my phone started ringing. "Scott! Ahh, we can't keep her here... she's losing control." My eyes widened. "What do you mean she's losing control?" With a hint of irritation in his voice Theo says, "She's a werewolf okay!" I tell Stiles, "Turn around, we're going to the clinic." Stiles makes a sudden U-turn and we speed to make it to the clinic. "Theo, head to the vet clinic, Stiles and I will meet you there." He says some words that I can't fully understand, then hangs up.

"What is it Scott?" I shake my head, "Theo wasn't lying, I listened to his heart and he wasn't lying, what I can't figure out is why his heart was beating so fast." Stiles adds, "Maybe he's actually turning into the opposite of Pinocchio..." I give him the side eye and roll my eyes as I chuckle. "He's got a long way before we'll have any sort of trust for him." The Jeep comes to an abrupt stop, my head hitting the dashboard slightly. "I found Theo, and he looks like crap. Yeah Scott he's hurt really bad." My head perks up and I see Theo with his hands pressed up against the front of Stile's Jeep. We rush out of the car to go help Theo.

I have one of Theo's arms on my shoulder and Stiles has the other. We set him down next to the counter, that's when I smell her...her chemo signals. It's like she's scared of something, I'm not sure what. I walk into the back where I see my boss trying to calm down the frantic girl. She turns and says to me, "Theo said I could trust you, that you would understand why I did what I did; that you wouldn't condemn me." "What happened Raven?" I asked her. Her eyes opened to reveal red colored eyes, something I'm familiar with. "I had to do it, she was only 6 years old. I lost my sister and he had to pay for what he did." I give a small smile and say, "It's going to be okay, you're not a monster Raven, you're like me." My eyes now glowing the same famous red that her eyes are.

× And the first chapter is over. Phew I'm hoping you guys like it. Any questions or comments? ×

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