Riff Raff + Magenta (pre-Rocky)

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   The nights of Transsexual were always the same, though few could complain. Twinkling stars filled the ebony black sky, that covered the beautiful planet like a quilt. Most were asleep, tonight being no different than the rest of Transsexual's - but one young man lay awake. One blonde, pale, teenaged man by the name of Riff Raff. He lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling by only the light of a candle and the shining stars in the sky. His mind was filled with confusion over one thing only. One redheaded, paler skinned, thicker accent baring thing named Magenta - his younger, one and only sister. He had been taught his whole life that incestuous relationships would not be tolerated in the family, but these feelings towards his sibling were nothing but obvious to young Riff Raff...

   Magenta was curled up in her bed, the same thoughts traveling through her mind. She was just two years younger than Riff Raff, but that certainly did not change the young Transylvanian's thoughts. Whenever Magenta got lonely, she'd run to her brother to make her feel better. She was careful not make it look to obvious to their mother and father, as they had been told their  entire lives that incestuous relations were wrong, and not to be tolerated.

   As she stared out the window, she seemed to grow more lonely. She stepped out of her room, tiptoeing across the hallway to her brother's room. She peeked inside, to see him staring at the ceiling. "Riff Raff?" she spoke softly, with her thick Transylvanian accent accompanying her words. "May I come in?" It was late at night, and she hoped that Riff Raff didn't mind her coming in. All she felt she needed was a little company.

   Magenta's words startled Riff Raff at first, yet he welcomed them all at once. He may perhaps have not been the most decent at the given moment, as he sat up in his bed without a shirt and merely undershorts on his lower body. Nonetheless, he knew he wanted nothing more than his sister's embrace. "Yes, you may.." He ran a hand through his thin blonde hair, attempting to make himself appear as if he hadn't been wide awake with her on his mind.

   A soft giggle escaped her pale lips. all she had on was a silky white nightgown, with nothing but her underwear underneath. it was what she wore most nights. she quickly slipped into the dim room, shutting his door behind her. "i was getting lonely, and i thought i'd see if you were awake. plus... it's freezing in my room and it's a lot warmer in here." the teenaged redhead slipped into bed beside her brother, a smile slowly twisting onto her lips.

   He pulled his top and only sheet down to allow her in the bed better, a pale spread on blush showing up on his face as his little clothing was shown. "It is quite cold in your room, I don't see why you wouldn't just sleep in here..." he wrapped one arm around her gently, playing with the ends of her puffy red hair

  A chill was sent down her spine as their bodies were pressed together. "I wish I could. But if mom and dad saw us together like this they'd get suspicious..." she whispered, curling up against his side. She wrapped her arms around his side, thinking of how much she loved her brother more than she really should. "Maybe I could get away with it a few nights."

   He smiled and nodded, pulling her closer against his warm body. "Perhaps they should be told that you had a bad dream? They'd let you stay then." He gently tilted her head up so their faces were at equal levels, gazing lovingly into her eyes. He could swear by getting lost in her beautiful eyes, round and glistening as they were. He felt his stomach suddenly flip - a feeling he had felt before, but only when doing any action he believed to be wrong...

   "I think they'd buy it..." A deep red blush was dusted across her pale cheeks as she stared into her brothers eyes lovingly. Magenta knew that incestuous relationships weren't accepted in her family, and always tried to deny the feelings she had for Riff. But whenever she was in his arms, she felt safe and protected. It was hard to push them out of her head, since it was something she always thought of.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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