Chapter 2: Suicide attempt 1283847746377373909999

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Remember, there is a joke here about Chinese moms that you might find offensive. If it makes you feel better, I'm 75 percent Chinese. True story. 


Report Card giving day

Sadie! Si Wang Lan!

Uh oh.  When mom is angry at me she calls me by my Chinese name.Mom saw my report card. Welp.  Where is the bleach? Bleach! I need bleach!  My annoying brother then says:" Sorry, I don't like anime"

*muffled screaming *

Why did he have to be my brother? Anyway, I've got no time to waste. I need to find the bleach.  There is a dark figure behind me. I turn around to see my mom with an  "I'M REALLY DISAPOINTED IN YOU YOUNG LADY! ONE MORE TIME AND I'M GONNA SEE YOU IN MCDONALD'S AND NO I DON'T WANT FRIES WITH THAT" look. No adjective can describe her rage. Oh well, that's what happens if you're mom is Chinese. I will await the 1 hour tongue lashing and the guilt tripping, which I'm not affected by, and the "painful" punishment, which also doesn't affect me since having punishments like that often helps you get used to it. Eventually you'll feel nothing.

So after that I go get the bleach. I couldn't even touch it. Mom figured out my plan. Ugh. Now I have to live one day more (pun not intended).

Suicide attempts logbook is almost full. On the new page you can see: Suicide attempt 1283847746377373909999- FOILED. *sigh *

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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