The First step

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Emma POV

   Today is the day I get to pick who I will pick who I will dance with I am so excided. Here are my first choices (Zack,Luke,and Tyler) all of them look cute. I will have to pick one of them today anyway this is what I am going to where to school to day.

 I will have to pick one of them today anyway this is what I am going to where to school to day

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Ok let's go to school!!!!.

Ok I am here now time to find the boys to tell them hopefully one of them say yes.
Hey, guys so I was wondering would one of you guys would want to be the one to dance with me at my Quincenera please.

Zack POV
Sure why not plus I think we would be a good fit for each other.

Tyler POV
I would love to pick me!!!!!

Luke POV
I would also love too please pick me.

Emma POV
I'll think about it ok?

Zack POV

Sure, bye.

Zack POV
Guys let me dance with Emma please I have liked her my whole life you guys have never liked her but I have.

Tyler and Luke POV
We know but she has gotton cuter and she is mine not yours She would pick us over you because you don't even talk to her and we do talk to her.Sorry man she picks.

Zack POV
I think I should tell one of Emma's friends to tell her that I like her.

Zack goes and finds Tori Emma's friend.

Zack POV
Hey can you tell Emma I really like her and I would love to dance with her.

Tori POV

Goes to find Emma

Emma POV
Hey I've been thinking maybe Tyler is the one he is really sweet I would really like Zack but we don't talk so I don't think he is that he likes me.

Tori POV
About that Zack told me he really likes you and he would love to dance with you.

Emma POV
Really OMG he does are you lying to me

Tori POV
Nooo Go ask him

Emma POV

Goes and to ask Zack

Emma POV
Is it true

Zack POV
About what

Emma POV
That you like me

Zack POV

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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