Chapter 1: Just When You Thought It Was Over.

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Screams filled the room. Both men stood by their wives and their children waiting anxiously just out the door. You probably already know what's going on, but before we get into this, let me tell you what we've been up to for all these months. After we saved Ramsey and defeated our enemies, My brother, I and our families moved back to L.A. Its where our childhood was and we want our kids to grow up around where we did. We bought 2 separate houses next to each other and just took down the gate between them to make a huge backyard for our barbecues and family get togethers. Tej, Ramsey, and Roman kinda disappeared, but we know they're out there being super heroes. Well, Tej and Ramsey mostly....Roman....No way in hell.
"I need you to push one more time!" The doctor stated. Mia and Brian were on the other side of the curtain in the same room as Han and I.
"Thats it baby. Just a few more seconds and we can meet our little girl." Brian said loudly to keep us in the loop. Just as Mia screamed I screamed from another contraction. Funny thing is, Mia and I went into labor at the same time. We don't know how but it just happened.
"I need to push! She's coming now!" I screamed. A nurse rushed in and checked my cervix. "Yup. Your ready momma! You ready to push?"
I didn't answer as I just went with the contraction and pushed.
Han held my hand and kissed my head to try and distract me from the pain. I told the nurses that I didn't want an epidural, and boy was that a big mistake.
On Mia's side, we heard a sound of relief. "Congratulations Momma! You have a healthy baby girl."
"Awe! I wanna see her—AHHHHHH!" I panted out and then screamed bloody murder. "Honey, I think you should finish this first and then we can see our niece." Han stated.
"NO! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, AGAIN! ARGHAHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. His eyes went wide at my sudden outburst. Brian peaked in from the top of the curtain by my head and said, "Jae, stop being dramatic. You're gonna regret it later."
"SHUT UP BRIAN!" Mia and I yelled at the same time.
"One more little push Sweetheart! Come on, You got this!" The nurse motivated me. I pushed one last time and she was here.
"You also have a beautiful baby girl. She's perfect!" The nurse exclaimed as she held my daughter up for us to see.
"Awe!" Brian said happily. "Brian get back over here!" Mia stated firmly as she yanked him back over to their side.I panted and chuckled at the same time.
Brian pulled the curtain back with the doctor's ok and we placed both of the bassinets in the middle so we can admire our daughters and they can meet as cousins.
"Let's just hope we don't switch them by accident." Han joked. I smacked him on his arm, "Stupid, our baby has blonde hair and our niece has brown. How would they get mixed up?"
Han just pouted realizing his 'joke' was stupid. A few minutes later, our kids came rushing in with Dom and Letty.
"Sorry, they're just so excited. We tried to tell them to be patient." Letty giggled. It was convenient that Mia and I were in the same room that way our family and friends didn't have to make two trips.
"Who was born first?" Letty asked. My twins climbed on the bed and cuddled on each side of me while Jack ran into Brian's arms. "Mia's daughter by only a couple minutes. They're practically twins but with different parents." I stated after kissing my kids' heads.
"And what is the name of our first niece?" Dom asked while holding Letty from behind. Mia and Brian smiled at each other. "Jessica Elena O'Connor." 
"We wanted to name her Jessica so we can call her Jessie. And Elena's helped us out so much and protected us." Brian said with a small frown. Letty and Dom looked at each other and grimaced. "Jesse would've loved it. Im sure Elena will be glad that you named the baby after her too." Dom said sadly.
"Anyway. What will our second niece be called?" Letty asked as she came to my side of the room.
"Well, we just liked the name Rebekah and I wanted to give her a name that relates to Brandon, so we went with Rebekah Brandi Lue."
There was silence. "I know we're all hell bent on empty promises sometimes, but can all of us in this room agree that we need to promise one another to stay safe, because we cant lose anyone else in this family." Mia said quietly. We all nodded.
A few days later, we got to take Rebekah and Jessica home.
"Gabe! Give it back!" Leilani whined. Gabriel was holding her favorite car above her head, just out of reach. He had gotten just a few inches taller than her in the last few months. "Gabriel, what have I told you about messing with your sister." I stated as I took the car away from him and handed it to Lani.
"To not." Gabriel frowned. Leilani gave him a sassy little smirk as she ran off to her room. "Exactly. So don't tease her anymore, love, please."
"Sorry mommy." He said quietly and hugged my side and then ran to his room to play with his toys. Rebekah was sound asleep in her basinet by the couch, thankfully, so that gives me time to cook and clean a little. Han asked Dom if he could open up the garage and dinner again and he said yes, so Han now runs it. Yes, we kept the Toretto name on the outside of the garage. Mia wants it to be a family workplace so she and I work the dinner while the boys work in the garage. We let Jack, Leilani and Gabriel play in the garage with their dads while the babies stay in the back room so we can keep an eye on them.
Dom basically told us that we are retiring from the team. Now that Brian, Mia, Han, and I have kids, he doesn't want to put us in anymore danger. But whose to say that danger won't come looking for us.
"Hey, hope you don't mind. I let myself in." Brian stated and came up to hug me. While hugging him back I said, "You can always let yourself in."
"Han told me to tell you that he'll be a little late. We had a lot of customers today and he's finishing his last one."
"That's fine. I just started cooking anyway. The twins were fighting again and I finally got Bekah down, so." I sigh from exhaustion. I don't remember it being this difficult with the twins. Probably because they slept at the same time and there was no noise when I had to put then down for a nap. Now I have two screaming toddlers and a new baby, so it's harder to control all 3 of them.
"Tell me about it. Jack is getting a jealous that we have to pay a little more attention to Jess. He's had a few tantrums in the last couple of days." Brian states as he leans on the counter and rubs his face.
I smiled and say, "Who would've thought, ten years ago to the day, B and I were runaways with your help."
Bri chuckled, "Has it really been that long?"
"Yeah. It has." I exclaim happily. Brian pulled me in for a hug. My head laid on his chest because he was tall and he held my head to his chest like he did when we were younger. "Well, we got a really big family out of it. Something our parents could never give us."
I sigh and agree, "You're right." I then thought he hasn't talked about our parents in years, so why bring them up now?
"I saw one of dads friends today." Brian said with a blank face. I immediately look up at him and let him continue, "He came in for a tune up and he told me that mom died 5 years ago from a broken heart and dad died last year from alcohol poisoning."
Anger suddenly filled my body. "Well I actually feel bad for mom because she had to suffer for so long, but he can rot in hell. And i'm glad that our kids never met them because all they've ever been was a disappointment."
Tear flooded to my eyes. "Jae, just let it go." Brian said and I did just that. I let the tears come rushing down, and let the anger and fear that i've been holding in ever since that night that I left, wash away.
"Why did they hate us so much?" I cried. Brian just held me until I calmed down while repeating, "I wish I knew, baby, I wish I knew."
That night, I've gotten the best sleep i've had in a long time because I knew that I didn't have to run from my past anymore. Brian and I were finally free.

•The Good Life• Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora