Complete Chaos

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All along the streets pools of red cover the pved ground. People splash through the pools like gazelles being chased by a predator of some sort a... Lion looking for prey. The sounds of splashing blood drowned out by the screams and yelps of the dieing people behind. As I turned around only one thing was visable. The abomination of a creature that sit there tearing through the flesh and tissue of a young woman maybe around 23. Her blood splattering on not only its face but the child that had been with her. The poor thing looked terrified like a deer in head lights. What have I gotten myself into again... Looks like I have no choice to try and save her since nobody else will I thought to myself as I began to push throught the crowd of gazelles running the opposite way. Only as I made my way closer to them the crowd stopped and watched me like there was a dragon on my head or something. I payed no attention to them and just kept walking. The beast seemed to notice me walking towards it and it pulled the blood stained face from the woman. It sat there and watched me,  Is it going to kill me? Why is it just sitting there?  I wondered but i had nothing to live for anyway so I kept on going. After about 5 minutes the beast lept up its long furry tail and the razor sharp teeth and claws all soaked in blood let globs of blood fly off behind the beast as it flew towards me and nocked me right out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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