Act 1 - Graduate

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   Ever since he'd woken up, his thoughts was occupied on that day's event; the graduation ceremony. He dreaded, been excited, had a panic attack and went back to ground zero all over again. He had paced the narrow walkway in his room for quite a moment, the cold ceramic floors reflected his almost-panicked expression every time he made a turn. All his personal belongings on a small study resided by the corner of the room, accompanied with a large cot.

Tyreth stepped in front of a small mirror that reflected his upper torso, he donned the special uniform specifically for this occasion. The blue fabric like the midwinter's night; A colour that people still occasionally mistakes it for pitch black. Silver ornaments attached to the uniform's shoulder and on his chest's fabric, it made him felt like an important person. He grinned as he readjusted his badge, sliding in and out of his uniform pocket and slightly sighed as he readies himself to join the graduation ceremony.

He caught a glimpse of himself on the mirror, and thought, this is as presentable as it could be, what if it wasn't enough? What if- 

"I should stop this and go," Tyreth whispered to himself and his anxiety stopped. It miraculously worked.

"Uh. hold on a sec," gasped the black haired boy as he stopped right by the door separating between him and the outside, searching himself as if a piece of him was missing. 

"That's right!" he realized as he headed back for his study to grab a dagger idled beside a small stacks of letters and study materials. 

Mumbled at himself as he marched towards the room's only entrance. "Can't forget this."

Tyreth stepped out of the dormitory to the warming and familiar sight, the daylight basked through the window frames and onto his pale skin, gleaming through the silver ornaments of uniform he had on. The morning's light shone so brilliantly he had to keep away from the furious pounce of light wave to his delicate eyes.

Tyreth had always been a sickly person, rather; quoted by his former coaches and fellow classmates as the "Delicate Recruit". For instances, Tyreth wasn't allowed to be participate in sparring lessons; particularly extreme ones that requires up close towards one another and instead be assigned to tasks like accuracy improvement and scout lessons. Tyreth was known to be the quiet person, only occasionally seen being around his classmate when teamwork-related training programs are required. His short yet messy black hair and meek appearances had supported those blunt quotes.

Aside from being a recruit, what genuinely defines him as delicate were his overall performance and aptitude as a student. Tyreth, obvious to his role; had non distinguishable academic skills and possesses decent physical prowess. His classmates respected him, but they don't expect genuine results from Tyreth.

He ambled through the naturally-lit hallway. Tyreth was assigned on the first floor, which most male recruits occupies in while the female recruits were allocated with the remaining upper floors. A flight of stairs were slapped right next to the main entrance, painted like antique cream with no signs of rottenness. A beam of barrier were erected to prevent sneaking or stealing incidents inside the buildings, only granting access to the assigned recruits on the particular floor.

Before he could reach for the entrance, the barring beam had dissipated when Tyreth spotted a silhouette descended from the stairs. She held her arm and waved to the black haired boy as their eyes met; the boy mimicked her actions albeit a little startled.

"Morning, Tyreth!" said the brown haired girl excitedly. Echoes could be heard throughout the hallway produced by the metal ornaments on her uniform; the uniform similar to what all graduates wore for the ceremony. She has brown eyes that flares like the afternoon basking on a forest of tree barks ever so brilliantly. Her dark brown shoulder-length hair tied up to the left with a silver hairpin shaped in a butterfly. She wore a pair of white leather fingerless gloves and a black pair of military shoes with a silver ornament imprinted on. She looks sharp and smart like she always does; her face that just seems so genuinely sweet and warmth.

"Are you heading for the Academy as well?" asked the brown haired lass. She took a step or two towards Tyreth; whom had already begun to place a foot behind him.

"..N-no...Yes," Tyreth answered quietly, his face looking down on the floor; praying for the conversation to end swiftly. "It-It's the ceremony today after all," he added finally. Tyreth had always been an awkward person, butterflies already forming up in his stomach; just the thought of having a normal conversation already gives him anxiety.

"I see," she replied. She paced around before realizing, "Oh yes, you've got mail!" she quickly added, her eyes widened and a sprightly grin formed. The brown haired girl than started ventured into her pink sling bag, it also had a silver butterfly ornament imprinted. She lifted her right leg as a platform for her bag, as she busily searches for the mysterious gift.

The boy's face full of wonder, "a-a gift?" asked him, he seemed almost excited. Oh..that's right, she was the messenger and the local postwoman in the entire town, he thought to himself, placing his knuckles onto his upper jaw, amazed at how well she does at her job, dozing off to nothing.

"Here," she extended her sleeveless arm handing him the letter, the letter was dark blue in colour and various spots of hue reflecting the sunlight surrounded on the enclosed paper. "Open up." she said still with her huge radiant grin on.

Tyreth hesitated to retrieve the letter from the lass at first, but finally succumbs to the hesitation after she insisted, "Come on, it has your name on it!" she blurted out and forces the letter onto Tyreth's hand.

"I'll see you later in a bit," the messenger girl said as she headed towards the doorway; outside of the building.

The poor boy stunned by the fact he just had received a letter. He hadn't received a letter ever since a few years ago; which his memory had began to fade away. He slowly opened up the dark blue letter; cautious and tenderly; a little slow.

He deciphered the revealed contents in the letter carefully. His eyes focused on the little hand-written alphabets. Moments later; his eyes grew wide and mouth agape, like the first time he received his first good-grade in scout lessons and a praise from his nonchalant coach quoting him "maybe a Sniper task would work for you" material. 

Words left him, he stared into the blue letter and desperately searched for a word but none would came to mind. Finally, after seconds that felt like hours, he felt like he'd been frozen in time. He pumped his fist into the air still holding onto the letter; unable to avert his gaze away from the piece of paper. 

And said, 'I..I got accepted!'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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