Interview: Sephiroth

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So. It is great to have met the great Sephiroth. How would you describe yourself?

Me? Well, that would be hard. (laughs). I know people hate me because i have had bad history. Sure, i want to defeat Cloud, but hey, some dreams cannot be achieved. So, back to the question. I would consider myself as a self-proclaimed Master of Materia. It is easy, but who can use materia while they are fighting with a enemy with a huge sword? I know no one. So tell me if someone ELSE can. I'd love to meet them.

So, i see that you have a high opinion of yourself. That is something. You talked about a man named...Cloud...was it? How would you describe him?

Oh, don't get me started with him. He is nothing but trouble. I had a good start. People loved me- or at least thats what everyone at SOLDEIR said. Now he went all moony over me, acting like i was a God. But, even though i'll admit i loved it, it was annoying. Zack- now there was a man worth be admired by-was the one that introduced Cloud to me. In short, he is an annoying runt. I can't believe he even managed to get into Shin-Ra. seem to have a strong feeling toward him. How would you...umm, how shall I word this...? How would you describe the Final Battle with Cloud?


Well, it was...humiliating.  How else could i decribe it? It was terrible. I still don't understand how he managed to make an OMNISLASH, which is impossible. Well...that is the ex-SOLDEIR Cloud Strife for you. Well...he wasn't exactly SOLDIER, but he might as well have been.

You are contradicting yourself. You said you hate him...but then you compliment him. What do you mean?

.... question: What was your education like?


Oh.  Random question. I was wondering, that's all. You know, since all you are known to do is fight with a long Katana. How did you even get an education? Please shed some light upon that.

Well. I never expected that. I am known to fight with a sword. But where I got my education was out of the memory of JENOVA. So, I got a speed up on knowledge. Though, some would say that is not education. They say it's theft. Genesis decided to give me a pop quiz....and well....

You failed it, didn't you?

Can I go now?



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