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Hello my name's Jim Mori- yeah okay fine I'm not. My name is Codey and I was incredibly unimpressed with the Sherlock fandom when I found out that no one (as far as I'm aware) has had a go at writing The Hungry Donkey. Now if you have no idea as to what I'm going on about then go watch Sherlock S4 Ep3 and you will know what I'm on about. However for the people who already know what The Hungry Donkey is then welcome mon ami and I encourage you to read ahead.

This story is written for fun and I mean no offence to any religion or person and I sincerely apologies if it does cause someone harm while reading this but whether you do read it or not is completley up to you.

The author's notes in each chapter will be signed off as
- JM Xx. Seeing as this is a story that he wrote and I'm totally not making it all up.

The story begins...

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