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I do not own any of the fate stay night series or characters. TYPE-MOON does.

Laying on the couch inside a mansion the mighty king of heroes pondered, lost in thought as he looked into his priceless red wine, his handsome, arrogant face looking back at him from the reflection inside of the extravagant gold goblet. The fourth holy grail war was over and all he could think about was her...

The moment that he had fought her had came seeping back into his memory. Like a black vine of a rose, sweet to look at, yet cuts you when you have it within your grasp.

His new plaything looked up at him from with her determined aquamarine eyes, she was in a fighting stance holding her sword. Her facial expression only showed disgust and hatred towards the golden king. It seemed as time had stopped as she stood before him, her blue dress covered in silver armor. He was but an obstacle in her way in getting what she most desired. A wish from the "holy grail". Why must you fight me? He had been silently thinking in the moment. "Lay down your weapon and be my wife"...

The crimson eyed king would never forget his precious dolls face of surprise when he had asked her that question. Her rejection was surprising and had caused him to pierce one of his noble phantasms into her leg, for he got what he desired whenever he so desired it. Her expression twisted in pain, she was on her knees. It was a marvelous sight, she was at her most beautiful on her knees after all.

His current day dream was rudely interrupted by Kerei kotomine, who had just walked into the room. He smirked at his companion. "What is it you wish to discuss?" Gilgamesh asked but clearly wasn't interested in talking. "I wish to review the plans for the fifth holy grail war, we should be perfectly prepared." Kirei stated in his usual monotone voice, devoid of any emotion. The king sipped his wine before stating. "I have been wishing to tell you that I have changed a few of my plans."

Kirei only gave a slight sigh of exasperation. "The grail to be used as a weapon is still the main plan. I want someone by my side when this happens." Gilgamesh stated as Kirei just blinked waiting for him to continue.

"I want Artoria,the green eyed rose, by my side as my wife." Kirei put his hand to his golden cross and stroked it with his thumb as he was in deep thought.

"I will make sure to... squeeze  this into the plans." he looked troubled as he started exiting the room. The crimson eyed blonde stopped  him for one last thing. "Do remember to relax, the fifth grail war hasn't even started. You don't want to waist all your energy on preparation.". "I'll keep that in mind."Kirei chuckled as he started walking again towards the exit of the large room.

Gilgamesh was now left by himself in the great room. He put his wine glass back into his treasury. He glanced at himself in the mirror. His golden necklace glinting on his white shirt. He took a step closer to the mirror. His eyes widened with surprise. His hair had still not returned to normal!

He thought that after a while his hair would go back to its original position, but there it was, like a deflated balloon that was now covering his face. Apparently getting doused by the  "holy" grail had a side effect of flattening hair. Who knew! He sighed to himself as he tried to put his unruly hair back into its usual erect self. His attempts, no matter how much gel he put into his hair, ultimately failed. He groaned and rubbed his temples in exasperation. He would have to get used to his new look. At the moment, even though he would never show it, he disliked his hair.

" I'm going to have to change my look." He contemplated . Dreadfully he  removed his gold necklace and booth bracelets. Hesitantly he removed his giant earnings, he had become fond of those earnings.

He went into his closet and retrieved some clothes he had ordered online. Though he wasn't opposed to going in public, he knew how tedious shopping in public can be, and how easily he would lose his temper on some mongrel. He undressed himself and put on his new attire. He looked in the mirror making sure every micro problem with his outfit was fixed. He straitened out the creases in his white shirt an adjusted his black sweat-shirt. He patted down his black sweatpants. Though the outfit didn't really suit him he could tolerate it. He looked over himself to make sure he looked beyond presentable.

"God, I look like a fucking high school student..."

authors note

Sorry this first chapter is so short, the future chapters will be much longer. I am re writing this story currently so I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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