Our love will servive

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Fabian's POV

"Come on mate we're going to be late for practice!" my best friend Mick said, we were on our way to football (soccer) practice but I couldn't help but notice a goddess of beauty in the hallway, she had long dirty blonde hair, deep green eyes that any man could get lost in and a smile to die for.

The only problem, she looked like a goody goody and I was known as the 'bad boy' in school and I had to keep my rep and pluse I had Joy........yay?, but I couldn't help it she was so.......different than the other girls in school.

She didn't dress all slutty or act it, she wore the perfect amount of makeup, which I highly doubt she needed anyway. Who am I kidding I couldn't talk to her I didn't even know her name! but what I did know was that she's in at least 2 of my classes so it would be easy to get to know her.

Nina's POV

"And then I was thinking we could order some cheese pizza and some chips and drinks, oh! and-"

"Amber!, I get it, it's not that big of a deal is it?" I said to Amber as we were getting our books out of our lockers

"Yes it's important!, it's mine and Mick's 2 week anniversary!" Amber said slamming her locker then waiting for me to get my stuff out

I closed my locker and just as I was walking to class Fabian Rutter walked past me looking as beautiful as ever, he was the boy every girl wanted, including me, he was a god with his lushes blue eyes and his brown shaggy hair that flopped just the right way

"Um Nina, come on we're gonna be late for Mr.Winkler!" Amber said snapping me out of my trance, tugging on my arm

"Ok come on, lets go" I answered locking arms and walking to class, sitting at my desk waiting for Mr.Winkler to enter

"Morning class, today we're going to be learning about the enchant Egyptians and there gods such as........ Horus or Anubis. So I need u to go into pairs and start working on your projects" Mr.Winkler said turning around then writing on the board

"So Amber, I was thinking we could do a PowerPoint on Egypt and then-"

"Sorry Nina I promised Mick i'd help him with his project, considering we always work together, BUT! I promise I'll work with you next time" she said looking sorry and happy, is that possible?

"No,its fine I'll just.......find someone else to work with" I said huffing, turning my attention back to Mr.Winkler

*scene change: Anubis House, Mick and Fabians room*

Fabian's POV

"So why is this party important, again?" I asked Mick as he was lying on his bed tossing a tennis ball up and down

"I told you, it's mine and Amber's 2 week anniversary " He answered back as I grabbed an Egyptian book off my shelf

"But what if I don't want to go?" I asked turning my head to face him

"Well you have to so..........", I groaned with a huff, fun! 2 hours of me and my lovely girlfriend, and when I say lovely, I'm mean clingy girlfriend, Joy

"Fine but don't expect me to dance or anything!" I said getting up from my bed, slamming my book shut then leaving to go practice for our game in 2 days

*Nina and Amber's room*

Nina's POV

"Nina you should just tell him you like him!" Amber said with a smirk, this is not going to end well

"Amber, I just wish it was that simple...." I muttered under my breathe

"What do you mean?" she asked with a frown

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