Chapter 1-Im gonna be a Fetcher!

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Annie's POV
I was at school learning about graphic design class. I got bored and started to draw some cool stuff on my sketch pad. Ring! The bell rang and I went to my locker and I ran home to do my homework. Hi! My names Annie Cooper Jones. I'm 14 years old and in the 8th grade. I love this one show called Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman. I always hoped that one day I'll be on the show. I got home and my mom was making dinner. "Hey honey! How was your day?" She asked me. "It was great" I said "That's good. Dinner will be ready soon" I went upstairs and did my home work. Suddenly the phone rang downstairs. "Hello" my mom answered as I walked downstairs. "Ok she's right here" she said as she handed it to me. "Hello?" I answered. "Hello Annie. Guess what?" The person said. "What?" I asked. "Your going to be in season 5 of Fetch!" He said to me. "Omg really?!" I said excitedly "Yes just wait outside until you see a black SUV" Ruff said. "Ok bye" I hung up and ran outside to wait for an SUV to show up. A couple minutes later, a black SUV shows up at my house. "Hi are you Annie?" The driver asked me. "Yes I am" I replied. "Good! Ruff sent me to pick you up" he said to me. "Alrighty" I said with excitement. I opened the door to see a boy already in the car. He was really cute too. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt with jeans. "Hi I'm Annie" I introduced myself. "Hi Annie. I'm Jay" he said to me while shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you" I said. "You too" he replied. We sat in the car together and picked up 4 other FetcherS.

~A few minutes later ~

Once we picked Rubye,Marc,Marco and Shreya, went to studio G. Once we got in, we were introduced and sat in the chairs. "Welcome to season 5 of Fetch!" Ruff said excitedly. We all cheered and were so happy. "So you know how. You guys do extremely hard and easy challenges and I reward you with points. Simple right?" He asked us. "And before I forget to say this , their is allowed a bit of romance on this show so it's ok to be in love with another Fetcher but with a catch. If a girl likes someone, the girl has to call dibs" he said. We all nodded and started to blush. Good so let's get started shall we? He said to us. We all cheered in response. "Ok. Challenge number 1! I need to of you to go to a certain place. To learn the ropes about roller coaster. And if calls for Jay and Annie!" He said. We looked at each other and high-five each other. "Your instructions are in the mailbox and two tickets to Disney World! He shouted. Everyone shouted and cheered happy things. I've always wanted to go to Disney. Finally! "So Gooooo Fetch!" He said. We got up and Jay grabbed a red envelope and the tickets. "And another thing I forgot to tell you guys" Ruff said. We both turned around and looked at him. "You also got first class seats" he said. We looked at each other and jumped up and down excitedly. We ran out of the dog house and went to the parking lot and got in then car, heading to Disney World.

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