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"Yah! Wake up Jihyun!" I heard a voice yell.
"Or do you want to be late for your first day back?" Huh, what? Oh yeah that's right school!
I opened my eyes as I remembered today was my first day back at my old school. But it was also the first day I'd show them the new me.
As my eyes adjusted to the light. I saw my younger brother Taemin infront of me. A pout rested on his lips, as his arms were folded across his chest.
"Aw, kiddo don't pout like that it doesn't look good on you." I teased getting up and ruffling his curly black hair.
"Oi! You're only a year older than me, I'm not a kid!" Taemin yelled at me while slapping my hand away from his head.
"Okay, okay, I get it lil' bro chillout." I laughed at him.
"Good, now get ready for school." Taemin grumbled as he marched out of my bedroom.
I ran my fingers through my short black hair as I puffed out my cheeks, releasing a sigh, I looked around my bedroom.
I walked over to my closet, looking through it for something to wear.
Pushing other clothes aside, I grabbed a black over sized sweater and a pair of black ripped jeans, along with a pair of black sneakers.
Once I got dressed I moved to the bathroom, knocking on the door I heard Taemin's voice from inside telling me he'd be in there for a while.
"Yah! You little punk, I know you're just doing your hair." I repiled hitting the door.
"Fine. Fine." Taemin said as he opened the door, an unimpressed look on his face. As he let me into the bathroom I grabbed my brush, hair gel and hair dryer.
"Aish, you hypocrite." Taemin said pointedly. I ignored the remark as i styled my hair.
I parted my hair to the left so the right side would have more hair. I curved the right side over my fore head to the right.
The black hair contrasted against my pale, almost snow like, white skin. My long black eye lashes framed my deep green eyes. I admired my reflection in the mirror. It amazed me how different, but good, I could look if I put in the effort.
My eyes flickered to the image in the mirror of my brother beside me. Taemin looked as if he was amazed and shocked by the sight of me. But his reaction wasn't all that surprising to me, after all, he hadn't ever seen me looking like this before.
"Wow. I guess you did get some of Mom's looks after all. It hurts me to say this, but you actually look really handsome." Taemin said in a strained voice, faking a pain in his chest , he put a hand on his heart.
"Ow, yeah I was right it really hurt saying that." Taemin smirked. I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed my tooth brush. Once I finished brushing my teeth I washed my hands before getting my contact lenses. After a few minutes I was finally done, thankfully taking my shower the night before.
I quickly smacked Taemin's head from behind before running down the stairs, taking the keys to the car.
"You better hurry up before I leave without you!" I called over my sholder to Taemin.
I sat in the car waiting for Taemin. I sighed before mumbling to my self, " Wow first time I'm gonna see those idiots in four years. I can't wait to their faces when they see how much I've changed."
"Great now you're talking to yourself, how much weirder can you get Jihyun?" Taemin questioned quirking an eyebrow at me as he got into the car, his bag over his shoulder.
"Oh shut it Tae, you know you do it too." I replied glaring at him quickly before turning my attention to driving.
We arrived at the highschool building fairly quickly. I turned to Taemin grabbing his shoulder before he could get out of the car.
"Okay, I know I'm asking for alot here, but can you give me a quick pep talk?" I pleaded, giving Taemin my best puppy eyes, which by the way almost always worked on him.
Taemin groaned before pushing my face away. "You'll be fine Hyuniee. Just show them the new you and they'll regret ever treating you the way they did before." Taemin assured me.
"Aw, come 'ere." I grabbed Taemin and hugged him against his will.
"Yah, yah, yah, yah! Get off of me, you idiot!" Taemin squealed, his 'manly' squeal as he put it, pushing me away from him.
"You know I don't like it when you touch me." Taemin pouted.
"Wow, gee. Thanks Minnie, that really helps my self esteem." I put my hand to my heart acting offended.
"Yeah whatever, we've got to get to class." Taemin motioned towards the building.
"Oh yeah, right." I opened the car door, grabbing my school bag.
As we headed towards the high school I saw a few kids look our way and start talking to each other.
I turned my head to Taemin and motioned to the kids qhile raising my eyebrows, to which he just shrugged in response.
Once we got to the doorway Taemin patted my shoulder telling me he'd see me later, before running off to join a group of boys.
So much for planning to stick with him for the first day.
I shook my head to rid of my thoughts. As I continued walking some one bumped into me, almost knocking me over.
As I looked up to see the idiot who didn't know how to walk, I was greeted by the sight of a rather built, but slim boy with brown wavy hair that looked incredibly soft. His eyes were a beautiful caramel color. He had a jaw line that looked like it could cut even if you just lightly touched it. All in all he was an really attractive boy who seemed to be my age.
"Hey watch where you're going dumbass." The boy sneered. Cross out what I said earlier. This boy wasn't just an idiot, he was a idiot with a death wish. Also cross out what I thought about him being attractive, he was ugly on the inside it seemed.
"Umm. Excuse me? What do you mean 'watch where you're going,' you're the one who bumped into me." I raised my eyebrow at him.
"I bumped into you? You really are a dumbass aren't you?" The boy continued.
"Wow, you're not only stupid you're also an asshole. Cause all I hear coming out of your mouth is complete and utter shit." I retorted stepping closer to him, challenging him with my glare.
"You dumbass, just apologize and I won't kick your-"
"Are you just gonna keep talking, 'cause I stopped listening a while back." I cut him off as I stared at him with disinterest.
"If you aren't, or are, I really don't care either way, I'll just get going now. Don't wanna be late on my first day back." I smirked sending him a peace sign before walking straight passed him.
"Oh wait, I almost forgot to ask." I said turning back to him.
"Whats your name?" I asked.
"Jaeyeon Choi." Jaeyeon answered, bewildered at what just took place.
"Oh yeah. I remember you. You're that asshole who made fun of me everyday until I transfered freshmen year. You grew up nicely." I smirked, my eyes scanning his body quickly, but obviously, before turning back around.
"Jihyun Kim by the way. In case you forgot about me." I called back to him before turning the hallway corner. Missing the boy's shocked and flushing face.

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