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       Depression is a mentally and sometimes physicaly  painful disease that works like a parasite. Once you have developed depression its not easy to get rid of. You can't just pop a few pills and be cured for life, even if thats what most doctors tell us.

      Sometimes depression is a link to other mental disability's. Depession can lead to things like binge eating disorder (BED),  Anerexia, and suicidal  thoughts. But my point isn't to tell you what depression is, I want to tell you what it is not.

     Depression is NOT the same thing as sadness. Sadness is what you feel for three days after your boyfriend/girlfriend breaks up with you. Depression is something that stick with you for months, years, maybe even the rest of you life.

     Next time your friend is upset and you feel the need to say "why do you look so depressed" just rember that you could be mocking someone's actual mental disorder and not even know about it...


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