Castle On A Cloud

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My parents were fighting and I could only watch as my father stormed out.

There is a Castle On A Cloud.

I went to bed that night, not knowing what had happened, but scared nonetheless.

It's where I go to in my sleep.

I remember cleaning the house after my father left my mother.

Aren't any floors for me to sweep.

My mother did nothing. She went to work early, came back late and never did anything to help with the house.

Not in my Castle On A Cloud

I never had any friends growing up.

There is a room that's full of toys.

All the other kids refused to talk with me, from Grade School to High School.

There are a hundred boys and girls.

I've had Hyperacusis ever since I was young.

Nobody shouts or talks too loud.

Then there came the day I met him.

Not in my Castle On A Cloud.

Though he yelled all the time, I was never scared in his presence.

There is a man who's all in white.

He was the only one who seemed to care about me.

Holds me and signs a lullaby.

He told me about his dreams of becoming an astronaut.

He's nice to see.

He introduced me to all friends and I joined his friend group.

And he's soft to touch.

Then one day he kisses me.

He says "Shuichi, I love you very much."

We started dating when we went to college.

I know a place where no one's lost.

And we've been together ever since.

I know a place where no one cries.

Last year he proposed to me.

Crying at all is not allowed.

And now he stands in front of me wearing a tux. I look at the empty seats reserved for my parents and sigh.

Not in my Castle On A Cloud.

But I don't need them... I only need him.

Castle On A Cloud - Saimota AUWhere stories live. Discover now