one day...

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A/N: The italicized is about the past. I was inspired doing this a few days ago even though I'm updated in watching the anime. I was trying more words for Mamoru to say at the end, but since the full version of the song will release next year on January. So I might change it once it was release. Hope you like it...

Everyone cheered for the surprise performance of GROWTH as a present to the newly-wedded couple. A woman head towards the couple to congratulate them and she got a chance to speak to the bride one-on-one

"How was the cooking lessons?" she asked her senior who is the bride, Airi

"It really helped. Even though I'm still have a lot to learn. Also, the group who just sang just now, they were there as well" she blinked twice and turned to the group who was talking to the group. But her gaze was stuck as the guy that has dark burgundy hair

"Do you know one of them?" Airi asked. She then looked at the bride

"Not personally though. I only met him once when I was still working at the same company as Ito-senpai. But I was wondering though, what were they doing at the cooking class?" Airi shrugged lightly

"Maybe Ito-san's friend was being cautious about me?"

"Why do you think?" Airi shrugged again. She just sighed the small orchestra preparing for the bride and groom first dance.

"Senpai, it's time" Airi then turned to her husband who also turned to her

"Will you be alright on your own?" Airi asked her junior and nodded. Airi then joined her husband on the middle of the dance floor. She was watching both of her senior dance, feeling a bit jealous. She isn't getting younger anyway

"Did you already talked to her?" Ito asked his junior, Fujimura Mamoru

"Wait, she's here?" he asked, the three members of GROWTH looked at Mamoru curiously

"She's now Airi's junior. They both got close at work since she entered the company. It was really a coincidence for her to join where I was. If it wasn't for her, me and Airi won't be together" Ito said to the group and Mamoru laughed

"She always tries to be the match-maker" Mamoru commented

"Well, her match-making did help to me and someone of our other co-workers. If only her match-making worked between the two of you" Ito then directed his gaze to his junior who was looking away

"Eehh, didn't expect for Mamoru to have a crush on someone" Ryota exclaimed

"More like for him to be close to a girl" he added

"R-ryota" Mamoru stuttered. He looked the girl who was looking at the small orchestra

"It looks like it's time for the dance, senpai" Mamoru then directed his gaze to the groom who was now looking at his wife. Ito then turned to his junior then nodded. Ito met Airi half-way, hand-in-hand while walking to the dance floor

"You should try and talk to her. Maybe invite her to the dance later" Koki said to Mamoru as they are watching the couple dancing

"I-I'm not the good at a simple waltz" Mamoru said as he took a glance at her

"It's a start of a conversation. Also, other than the couple, she's one of your motivation and inspiration in the song, right?" Mamoru's ear started to turn red

"Ah, his embarrass" Kensuke exclaimed

"K-koki! How did you know?!" Mamoru asked

"It is kind of obvious about your feelings to her. Also, Ito-san told me that already have a connection since the both of you met that both of you didn't realize" Koki then took a sip of his drink. Mamoru was just contemplating on what he should do but just released a sigh as he had decided on what to do.

"I didn't know that you know the bride that close" Mamoru said as he stood beside her

"She was the one helping me out once I joined the company. Didn't know that you still have contact with Ito-senpai though" she said

"We are friends" it got awkward all of a sudden. Mamoru looked at his members who was gesturing for him to continue or ask her to dance, since some of the guest are already doing it

"A-aa-hh, wo-would you... like to.... H-have a dance.... Wi-with me?" Mamoru stammered that earned a giggle fit from her

"O-okay" they touched each other's hand and it wasn't the same feeling as before they held hands by accident. It's a like a perfect fit for Mamoru, while for her was feeling his warmth

That day was when everything began....

"Mamoru" he then looked directly to his wife as they were dancing for their couple dance

"What is it?" he looked confused

"Koki-san told me something about your present to senpai" Mamoru started to blush, remembering about it

"Is it true?" she asked, he nodded

"While I was writing the song, I suddenly though what our future might be, our relationship. Wasn't expecting it to come true though" Mamoru explained. She then used one of her hand to cup his cheek

"It's not a dream or an imagination anymore, Mamoru"

"I promise to you, that I will always stand by your side, walking hand in hand while walking to our path. To the future we will be choosing together"

Tsukipro(GROWTH): One day... (Fujimura Mamoru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now