CHAPTER 1 : Tick Tock

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It was not yet dark and the deserted stony path was partly lighted by the dim glow of street lamps. The deadly silence of the place was often disturbed by the shrill cry of the hyenas. The long twilight faded as the sun was just about to set. It was peeping through the fleecy clouds casting a dim saffron color over the sky. The day was meeting its end. Cold started enveloping the village like an unwanted guardian as usual. The snowy peaks are visible from his wooden window, beside which he waits from dusk daily for his darling's return. He opened his window, cleared the snow from the window pane, lit a smoke and waited for her to appear at the end of the street in a red dress and ballerina shoes. He hoped to see her one day with her face shining bright, hugging him tight, throwing away the smoke and whispering in his ears, "Honey, your sad days are over.. you don't need to wait whole day to meet me at night..we'll stay together from now.. lets go". The ' TICK TOCK ' of the old wall clock continued, but no sign of her.

The villagers didn't even know his name properly. Some called him fake, others claimed him to be mad, children threw stones at him from a distance and ran away. The village high school girls often fantasized about him and fancied calling him 'the handsome beast'. But he never had a reaction for any of that but an expressionless face. He used to come out of his house at times for fulfilling basic needs like food, fuel or maybe a bottle of beer.

People return to their home from work before sunset, and no one dares to go out before dawn. The reason behind this is not just because the village leads to a wood which is a home to hyenas, wolves and even leopards that came down the hills, but also something enigmatic which haunts the village streets after sunset. Locals believe what haunts the village at night maybe some kind of tribe that resides up the hill and comes down to the village at night to hunt...not animals but humans. Or maybe it's something else... something completely different in human history...may be a myth...or something real.


AUTHOR'S NOTE : Thank you for spending your valuable time and reading my story. If you like it please do tap/click on the star below to vote for this chapter and encourage me and help me to grow...have a great day ahead...God Bless You...

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