I Lo- (Johnlock fluff)

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How do you know if you're in love? SH

Well, the best way I can explain it is you get this kind of... Fluttery feeling in your stomach when you think about them or talk to them. JW

I see... Is that all there is? SH

Someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. JW

So, basically, yeah. JW

Is it as if... Nothing really matters if that person is around? As long as they're happy? SH

Yeah. JW

Wait, why do you want to know? JW

I feel those things. I've never felt those things. But there's someone. It's strange and terrifying but... Good. SH

You know, I've felt it before too, but I just dismissed it as adrenaline. JW

It's a good and bad feeling at the same time. JW

Precisely. SH

Yeah... JW

I just wanted to confirm that's what I'm feeling because otherwise I may have seen medical attention. Heart races, hard to breath, fluttery stomach... SH

What do I do now? SH

Well, if you're feeling courageous, I'd suggest you tell that person. JW

And if they don't feel the same? SH

It would be idiotic to tell him. Nobody loves Sherlock Holmes. SH

You're young. JW

You've got plenty of time. JW

Wait, 'him'? JW

Whoever they are, they'd be lucky to have won the heart of Sherlock Holmes. JW

Ha. SH

Thank you John SH

You're brilliant, you know. JW

Any time. JW

He's kind and compassionate and all the good things I'm not but he seems to put up with me and seems to /enjoy/ it furthermore. He sticks up for me, protects me and makes me feel like I'm more than just a big brain, more than a freak and that's why I love him... SH

Wow. That's... Wow. JW

Why don't you just tell him? I'm sure he feels the same. JW

You really think I should? SH

I really think you should. JW

You're kind and compassionate and all the good things I'm not but you seem to put up with me and seem to /enjoy/ it furthermore. You stick up for me, you've protected me and made me feel like I'm more than just a big brain, more than a freak, and that's why I love you. SH

So... You're in love with /me/? JW

I thought I'd never see this day. JW

I love you, too, Sherlock. JW

[Delay] Wait, you do? SH

I do. JW

I've just never told you because I thought you'd blow me off. JW

Not you. SH

Anyone else, yes. But not you. SH

I love you. SH

I love you too. JW

God, I love you so much. JW

I can't believe that. SH

I Lo-  (Johnlock fluff)Where stories live. Discover now