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On the way to Costal Del Sol.

Cloud: Fine we can go to the beach!

Aerith: Yay don't worry Cloud you'll see me in a bikini.

Cloud: Blushing.

Cait Sith: I could go for a tan.

Barrett: Your a cat!

The ground shakes

Cid: Look!

Everybody gets in a battle stance minus Cloud.

Barrett: Cloud what the Fuck are you doing!!

The Hatch on the giant machine Opened and a person came out.

You: Brother!!

You jump to the ground Unsuccessfully.

You in pain: Fuck!

Cloud: You where never the physical one nerd.

You: Brother I would agree.

Everyone minus Cloud: Brother?!

You: Yep Names Y/n Strife.

Cloud: So you finally got out of your lab.

You: Yep to find you in joining your cause!

You heard noise from your AT-ST.

Yuffie: Guys look at the cool stuff this dudes got

Music, Video games, wait
is that a body pillow?

You: Hey get out of there!!!!

You pulled a remote out of your lab coat and pressed the big red button.

Your ATST turned into a suit case and Yuffie was falling.

You: Got her I Got it mphp!

Yuffie landed on you.

Yuffie: Thanks for breaking my fall nerd.

You: Your Welcome.

You got up.

Barrett: I'm okay with him joining but what can he bring to the team?

You: I'm glad you asked!
Your weapons I can improve or fix them for example there's a secret
Underground Mako Reactor that the word around town converted Mako Energy into a physical cube form if we where to have that I could let's say Increase the buster swords damage efficiency or in your case your Gatling Gun could increase Power usage increasing Joules and watts increasing its fire rate and efficacy or the bullets could be tipped with explosive Mako energy so that every shot could explode.

Cloud: That could be useful but what can you do to protect yourself so I don't have to watch your back the whole time?

You: Besides the giant Machine with Mako Laser cannons I also have theses
You put on a head band and 6 metal arms come out of your back pack 2 holding sword and the other 4 holding Freeze pistols.

You: I decoupled this back pack with metallic arms to help build stuff but this Neural transmitter on my head controls it with either My thoughts or hand motions.

The Swords are butterfly edges and the pistols are modified Mako Pistols with Ice Matria as there
energy sources.
Arms went back into the back pack.

Cid: Wow that's some Impressive Shit!

Cid: Wow that's some Impressive Shit!

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