Fast paced beginnings

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"Look sweetie I get I really do,but really? Are we doing this?"
I sighed and leant into the gun so it was wedged directly between my eyebrows, his fingers shook as he clicked the safety off and I rolled my eyes.
" If you shoot me I'm going to be so pissed".
I shifted from foot to foot. Impatient with this situation. The glass underneath my foot crunched as I moved. Damn it Blu did you really have to get yourself involved? I questioned myself.Could you not have just walked the hell home??
Well I coulda, I reasoned with myself but then who would stop this dude from taking all this shit? I rolled my eyes dramatically again and put my hands on my hips.
Alright,let's deal with what's right in front of me and I'll argue with myself later.
I focused on the man pointing the gun at me.
"Let me guess you had a hard childhood?
You need the money from pawning this stuff to pay off your gambling debt? Someone you love is in hospital and you can't pay their bills?
Am I getting close?".
His hand shook at the mention of 'hospital'.
Huh,so that must be it.
" It was pretty reckless to do this on your own you know.The person in hospital must be pretty special to you" I stated slowly, his took a step away from me and towards moved towards the entrance of the shop.
" You don't know what it's like."
His voice cracked and his gun lowered an inch.
"To loose someone you love and have a chance to help them come back".

Blah blah blah I could barely hear him through his ski mask, what he was saying was predictable anyway.
I looked at my watch, 9:23. Ok so I have 7 minutes till the police get here, judging by how messy this place is and the state of the entrance door, Mr perp must have set off the alarms and cameras and then shut them down after he got in, which means that the police should be checking this place out, but since the police are slow as fuck in New York, I've got just enough time to get out.
"Yeah yeah I know, second chances and bull like that, but listen I've gotta go soon, so can you just let go of the gun so I can knock you out?"
I leaned forward balancing my weight on one foot so that I could duck and move quickly. I fluttered my eyelids flirtatiously.
"It's  been fun. But play times over."
I ducked to the right and moved forward. I quickly grabbed his right arm that held the gun and hit the nerve on the inside of his elbow making him drop the gun. I hit his temple and his knees started to buckle as he lost consciousness, I held him up by his hoodie.
I muttered smugly and untied his shoelace and wrapped it around his hands cuff style. I pulled off his mask and placed it in his lap along with his gun and then I searched his pockets. "Ohhh a piece of paper and a pen,awesome!" I checked my watch. 3 minutes left.
"Alright time to go. sorry dude but this isn't the right way to go about these things" I scribbled a message to the cops and stuck it on top of the perps head.
Get your head in the game. xx

I sprinted out,grabbing my groceries as I left,laughing at my flip off to the police. I bolted around the corner and into a dark alley. I waited to hear the annoying whine of the siren to know that I wasn't leaving mr perp to his own devices. I soon heard the irritating screeching and bolted into the alley.

I looked around.
"Damn this place just gets creepier." I always hated this alleyway, the walls were cement all the way down,with trash piles and steam shooting out from various places, I approached one of the piles of trash suspiciously and pushed it with my foot. A rat came scampering out.
"Ew. " I shuddered.
"What is with this place?" I spat bitterly.
"Why is New York nothing like I imagined it!? All these 'cops' and most of them are dirty. All these people and no acceptance! All these fricking superheroes and here I am saving a damn jewellery shop."
Shaking my head I sped up to the end of the alley, towards the old fire escape.
"If you can't do the little jobs then you can't do shit"
I huffed and looked up at the sky. There were so many stars tonight. I smiled and stopped in front of the fire escape, I grabbed the first rung and judged how sturdy it was.
"Meh" I shrugged and started climbing. When I get to the top of the roof I'll jump down to the next roof and down the other fire escape into my apartment I thought to myself. Jee wiz why am I par coring into my apartment?
I laughed and faced palmed myself. Damn I'm so weird, I got to the top of the roof and bolted to the edge and jumped.
I rolled onto the edge of my building and kept running to the other side to the next fire escape.
I looked out over the edge, it was so high,I gulped and closed my eyes.
"You can do this".
I jumped down onto the first balcony (which thankfully was mine) with a loud smack,the rusty metal creaked in protest at my weight.
I flipped my cactus pot and grabbed the spare key. As soon as the lock clicked Open I pulled the door open and slid it closed behind me.

I walked up to the kitchen bench and then walked toward Sam's room, I knocked and there was no answer. I put my ear to the door and could hear muffled pants.
I backed away from the door.
"I thought I told you not to bring your game in the house!" I called as I turned and walked towards the dining room light.

I call it a dining room but really it was just a little kitchen a two person table, with crappy little chairs, facing the tv that was surrounded by two old red couches. But I loved it, the kitchen bench was rusty and the walls in the kitchen were stained but it was home.
I sorted out the groceries, and turned on the tv for background noise.
"New York is in a state of terror as the superhero Crimson mans condition is till unstable, the police have not yet released a statement and the hospital has not given an update on his condition. Is this the end for one of the greatest heroes of New York? More on this story up next."
I sat down on one of the couches and stretched out my legs, i decided I wasn't hungry, so I grabbed a peanut butter jar and a spoon and started munching, I untied my hair and took my jacket off.

"Crimson man? I feel like that's not original at all" I opened my eyes and there was Sam standing naked.
"Yo my fav friend how's the er, weather going?" I stated awkwardly. They laughed and grabbed a spoon from the kitchen,
"The 'weather', my darling dyke is going well!" They grabbed the peanut butter jar from me and took a spoonful out.
" Sarah and Daniel and I are taking a quick rest before round 2"
they wiggled there fingers at me suggestively.
"Care to join?"
I laughed and stood up leaving my spoon on the coffee table. "Oh my friend" I kissed them on top of there head "have fun with round 2", I laughed and walked into my room "killjoy!" They laughed after me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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