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It was a cold and dark night that crept over the snowy slopes of Calidum Foco, the headquarters of the notorious organisation Ater Serpens, the rebel group Black Serpent. They were famous worldwide for their acts against Medium slavery, including their recent prison break on the secure jail of Lutenia, a plan that was successful, but not without their casualties.

They needed more fighters, young people they could add to their cause, and they needed them soon. And so, a month after the famous prison break on Winterheart, a trio of cowled figures travelled down the mountains, their progress aided by the assistance of a group of Snow Mediums. They planned to comb the more...rundown outskirts of the close city, knowing from experience it would be where most Potentials would be found.

An excerpt from Claudia Green's presentation Mediums, Potentials and You:

As of late you young people may have caught wind of the actions of Black Serpent, the horrible misfit band of Mediums and Potentials. "But what is the difference?" I hear you ask. Well, let's put it this way- Potentials are the ones the friendly Friars take away to train, but Mediums are the ones who do all the work you see around you! Lighting the lamps every night, powering our transport, all tasks undertaken by these lovely, obedient folk.

As night fell over Lutenia, the streets lanterns were lit with individual whumps, each illuminating their small part of the city. One such source of light stood infront of a storefront, its painted white stand matching the wall behind it. The store presented it's wares proudly; two rows of potted plants, some glimmering with drops of water. Their caretaker and shopkeeper moved among them, checking each individual specimen, holding a small watering can in her hand as she tended to their needs one last time.

Midway through, she stopped her movements and looked up, some of her silvery hair falling from its impromptu bun. She watched as a cloaked figure stepped into the light of the street lamp, one that she recognised swiftly.

"Ah! I didn't expect to see you lot here so soon," Spoke the shopkeeper, putting the watering can down and hurriedly stepping out from behind the display of greenery.

"It's not official business, we're just recruiting," Drawled the figure in response, waving a hand disparagingly.

"Of course, of course! I heard of the work you did recently - didn't everyone? Terrible shame it didn't go to plan," Fussed the women. "Oh! Do stay for a moment - perhaps a cup of tea? It'll be worth your while.."

"Very well then, Ms H. Lead the way," The cloaked figure responded, inclining his - or her - head. As the shopkeeper turned and bustled towards her shop opening, the figure followed - flanked by two other similarly cloaked companions. Their shadowed features gave no insight to their true identity, as was intended.

As Ms H made her way past the display of greenery, she paused and examined the unwatered plants, her hands moving to rest on her hips. "Now this won't do," She mused through twisted lips, eyeing the half-full can. Raising her right hand, she moved it in a beckoning motion, directed towards the abandoned can. Slowly, a stream of water rose from the opening of the container, lazily curling into a ball and moving above the shopkeepers waiting hand. With an imperious snap, she clicked her fingers and sent small balls of water careening away from her fingertips, honing in on the remaining plants that were not watered. The balls burst with a simultaneous pop, sending a little shower of water droplets down on each prime example of greenery.

"Much better," She hummed, looking at her cared-for plants with satisfaction. "Come this way, my friends. After all, it wouldn't be good for a distinguished gardener to be seen conversing with fellow Mediums, would it?"

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