Welcoming Theodore

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I sit on my knees bowed down by the door, waiting for my beautiful husband.
"My husband"
the sound of saying my husband is still so surprising to me. I sit quietly my hands on my thighs as my lovely husband opens chest, and cabinets grabbing what he needs for my awaiting pleasure. He says, I don't have to kneel down like this but I know it pleasures him for me to be panting, waiting for him.
I hear Christian walking toward me, he bends down to my level grabbing my belly. "I don't want to do this knowing we only have so little time for little blip to be here, but as I always tell you Mrs. Grey, we aim to please." He says, sliding one of his hands down to my sex slipping one finger inside me.
"Mrs. Grey you are so ready." He says, as he stands reaching out his hand helping me stand. I struggle getting up. "I'm not helpless Christain." I scowl at him because I haven't been able to do much of anything since the whole thing with Hyde.
"STOP" he warns, and I know not to say anything further.
He grabs my hand again leading me to the wooden cross. Christian lifts me, cuffing my hands. "If this is too much or you're in any pain you tell me' understand Anastasia?" Y-Y-Yes Sir", I mumbled. Good girl." He smirks, as he continues to tease me whole body.
"Mmmm, Christian."
"Shhhh baby," he whispers in my ear trailing kisses down my neck, to our blip. Whispering I love you every time he lifts his lips off my stomach, and I melt at the sight of him. He continues to tease me tugging at my nipples, biting them, sucking on them hard making me wet and wanting him inside me.
"Christian" I beg him.
"Oh, baby you're so ready."
he says, eaising his fingers in and out of my sex.
He removes his fingers from my sex leaving me wanting....he undoes his pants so his erection flings free he begans to rub the head of his erection on my sex, teasing me, taunting me.
I beg, him once more.
An he slams into me making me moan out.
"Oh, baby" he growls through clenched teeth.
He continues the rhythm building me higher, and higher." That's right baby feel me?" He says, thrusting into me hard.
"Ahh, chris-christian." "Yes baby.
Nooo christan stop!" He stills confused, hurt in is eyes. "Did I hurt you?" he says panicked. "No m-m-my AHHH FUCK" I scream, holding my stomach. "My water broke Christain." He stands there shocked,or panicked I'm not sure. But he undoes the cuffs slides my dress back on tosses me my panties."Put these on." he says and he's not to be argued with." I do as I'm told and I hear him down stairs giving orders.
"Taylor get the car." "Sir." "Mrs. Jones can you please grab our baby bag and meet Taylor in the garage." "Yes, sir." I hear her say politely."
I start to head down the stairs, screaming in pain with each step. Christian is at my side and carrying me down the stairs to the garage and into the car. He's fully dressed, and I can tell he's stressing out. My poor fifty.
"Breath baby" I hear him ordering me from what we learned in baby class.
"Taylor head to the hospital." "Yes sir," and I just noticed the worry in his voice.
Taylor's worried about little blip, tears start to form my eyes. But then I'm distracted by Christian on the phone.
"Yes mom.
Just now.
We are headed there now.
Ana mom wants to know how far apart the contractions are?" He says, with worry in his eyes.
At least three mintues apart. I say breathing in and out.
"She said about three mins apart.
So it could happen right now?
Okay. I love you too.
Yes mom.
Christan looks at me, and smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.
Oh my poor fifty.
I get ready to ask him something but he's on the phone once again.
"Yes, ma'am
The helicopter should be there already.
Yes, ma'am
I will tell her.

Goodbye, ma'am

Your mom and Ray are on their way they will probably make it there 5 mins before us." He says, with less worry in his eyes.

I grab his hand and kiss it. "Its going to be okay Christian." I said, trying to calm him down.
"I thought I hurt you Ana." He said, tears forming his eyes.
Oh my poor husband.
"Christian this happens all the time," I say looking up at Taylor he's watching the road yelling at the stand still traffic.
"Going into labor during sex happens all the time Christian." I whisper where only he can hear me."
"We arrive at the hospital, my mom and grace waiting at the front entrance with a wheel chair." "Mom, hi I wave excitedly. I look around and don't see my dad anywhere, and my face falls."
But then I see him walking out of the hospital with a teddy bear and flowers."
"Oh, daddy!" I say, quietly smiling up at him.
"Thank you so much!" I stood up to hug him but Christan gave me a deep glare and I voted against it.
"Ahhhh, HOLY HELL!"
I screamed, holding my stomach.
"We all rush into hospital and to the front desk.
May I-I-I-I help you sir?" The blond lady said, studdering her words and batting her long lashes at my husband.
Yes my wife is in labor...can we please get her into a room.
"Well sir, you will have to fill out some paperwork." The blond said, smiling to sweetly at my husband, ignoring the fact that I'm right here.
"There will be no need for paperwork right now, Jessica." Grace said, grabbing the paperwork from the blonde.
Yes, Ma'am.
"Oh and Jessica can you get Dr. Greene? Tell her we are in room 208."
Yes, Ma'am. She said, grabbing her pager.
"Christian picks me up an lays me in the bed, and Dr. Greene walks in."
Hello, Mrs. Grey, Mr. Grey she said, sweetly shaking our hand.
"So how are you feeling Mrs. Grey?" She asked, smiling while sitting on the side of the bed.
"Just Ana please."
I smiled, at her.
She said, putting her gloves on.
"So Mrs. G I'm sorry, Ana. Grace was telling me your contractions are 3 mins apart. If you don't mind can you put on this gown and I will check to see how dilated you are."
"Mrs. Greene steps out and I slip on my gown and have Christian go get the Dr."
I lay back while Dr. Greene checks to see how dilated I am.
Well its defiantly time for this little bundle of joy to enter the world." Dr. Greene said, removing her gloves.
She hands Christian scrubs, and he slides them on quickly, he looks up at me smiling. You ready baby?" He asked, smiling his all teeth showing grin.
"Yes! I'm ready to see what he/she is."
I said, tears forming in my eyes.
"Don't cry baby."
Christian says, wiping away my tears.
Dr. Greene returns, you ready Ana?
She asked me, putting her gloves on.
"I nod, staring at christan. You got this baby I know full well you can handle anything."
he says, grabbing my hand.
"Okay, Ana I'm gonna need you to push on the count of three an then stop pushing when I get eight okay sweety and then repeat when I say. Okay?"
I nod,
Okay Ana breath 1, 2, 3 push
Ahhhhh...I push with all I have squeezing Christians hand.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 stop.
I let out a big breath, panting.
"Okay Ana, I can see the head so we are going to push one more time but I'm going to need you to push till I get to ten this time okay?"
I nod, my head in agreement.
"You got this baby."
Christian says, smiling.
"Alright ana, 1, 2, 3 push
I scream out, pushing with all I have.
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Little more Ana the baby is almost out.
Ahhhhhhh, I push one last push an fall back onto the bed.
"Good job, Ana." Dr. Greene says.
She takes the baby over to check the lungs, heart and breathing.
"You did so good Mrs. Grey." Christian said, kissing me sweetly.
"Dr. Greene comes back over with our baby wrapped in a blanket and a cute little white hat. You have a healthy 9 pounds 4OZ baby boy." She says, laying him on my chest.
"Thank you? Dr."
I said, crying uncontrollably.
"I look over at Christian an he's crying..an it melts my heart."
I sit up staring at Christian. You want to hold him? I asked, handing him our little boy.
He froze as I placed our precious baby boy in his hands."
He won't break Christain. I said, wiping his tears.
"He looks down at our little boy, he has your mouth, my eyes I think. He lift our baby to his lips and kisses his forehead softly.
"He looks up at me what do you think about the name Theodore Ray Trevlyn Grey?"
he says, smiling down at our sleeping baby.
"Theodore is a perfect name, I smile up at him he smiles back, looking down at little Theodore. I love you Theo."
he says, kissing his forehead.

Grey Family❤💚💙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora