Untitled part

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With an awkward laugh ben pointed to the mistletoe above our heads. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and laughed. I watched as he looked down at his shoes." I've never had to kiss a girl before" "i've never had to kiss a guy before either" i say blushing. "we dont have to..." I smile. He smiles back and leans close. I wanted to back away..but something in me told me to stay. He gently puts his hand on my face. Time freezes as he grabs my waist and kisses me. My eyes were closed but i could tell he was smiling. The room vanishes. At that moment, I felt like i could do anything. It was a love so strong that, It felt like nothing could ever tear us apart. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. Then he slowly pulls himself away. I open my eyes to find him staring back at me with the biggest grin i had ever seen on him. He then grabs both of my hands and holds them. The room felt like it was glowing, and all i could see was him. I gaze into his brown eyes. He smiles and then lets go of my hands.

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