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Name: Yen Deon Vitya
Age:  21
Hair: Blonde, Curly, and short
Eye colour: Right eye Red Left Blue
Skin: pale
Body type/desc.:  Short, quite muscular, and he's found adorable due to his height.
Powers: Demonic.
Position: Uke
Job: he Works as a model but isn't very busy.
Height: 4'6
Weight: 123
Sexuality: Pan
Other: Has freckles.
Birth date: 13/12
Birth place: London, UK
Accent: British with a Faint Russian.

Generally: Happy and adorable.
Likes: Fruits, candy, and Cats.
Dislikes: Milk and Vegitables.
Quirks: bites lip when thinking, bounces leg when nervous or anxious and gets red when shy, embarrassed, pressured, or put on the spot.

Summary of life story: Yen was Born In London, UK. He was born in a house hold of a horrid family. His sister hates him and teases him because of his shortness, and rarely physically hits him. His Mother Ignores his existence and puts a mask of makeup everyday. His father is the worst. His father Physically beat him everyday. Later Yen Soon moved out.

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