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She was a brainiac, at most. Her intelligence in technology was rivaled even to the greatest. But her physical skills... she was terrible. She was weak and unable to defend herself. Which was why she hid behind the computer screen and "Do Not Enter" labeled doors.

Her nen was useful though, for herself anyways. She was a Specialist, able to summon a doll like creature to assist her with small task. Sadly though, it's only able to complete simple task like moving objects or holding onto them. She was sure though that if she was just a bit stronger, actually a lot stronger, then she would be able to control the doll to higher expectations.

"Hmm?~" A male voice had sounded out from behind her.

Her body instantly shook in fear. The door literally says "Do Not Enter", and yet someone entered the room anyways.

"Hisoka- san, it's not very nice to sneak up on people." Akira said as she sighed loudly. "And the sign says 'Do Not Enter'!"

Hisoka Morow, a black list hunter she had literally bumped into by accident in the market. Even though she still apologizes to this day for bumping him, he purposely sticks around, curious onto her work.

"I wanted to see what you're working on today~" Hisoka answered casually, walking further into the room, peeking over Akira's shoulder.
"It's nothing." Akira answered, as she typed away at the computer in front of her.

She was fast, that was for sure. The information she was typing, scrolled through the screen so quickly that Hisoka wondered if she ever proof read her notes to find mistakes in them.

"Hisoka- san, why are you here?" Akira finally asked.
"Ah~ I wanted you to meet my friend." Hisoka answered cheerfully, as he lifted Akira from her chair and into a standing motion.
"Really..." She answered plainly. She was skipping out on her work to meet Hisoka's friend... she didn't even know that the man had friends. She thought she was the only one, really.

"Akira- chan, this is Illumi~" Hisoka introduced, as Akira stared at a tall male with long black hair, large beady eyes, and a plain expression.
"Illumi, this is Akira-chan~ Play nice." Hisoka chuckled. 

To be honest, Akira was a little frightened. There was an aura from this man that created fear deep inside her, to the point where she wanted to run, but simply couldn't. His eyes drawed her in like a void, like a blackhole.

"Hisoka, why have you taken me to meet this girl?" Illumi asked confused, but his tone or expression never to give away to that.
"Cause she's smart~"
"And so is Milluki."
"But Akira- chan is female~"
"And? I see no point in mentioning her gender."
"Illumi- chan, don't be shy~"
"Can you two get out?" Akira sternly said, but her volume soft.

The two killers stared at Akira with a blank expression. She was blunt, yet soft spoken. She was the kind of person that kept to herself, just like Illumi. Perhaps one day... they would get along.

And they did, to a certain extent.

More then once Illumi has contacted Akira and her brainiac mind, often enlisting her help in finding people or changing the course of a target so that he didn't have to go far to 'eliminate' them.

It was so often to a point, that at times, he often stayed longer then usual.

"Ahhhh!" Akira yelled out in frustration. Training herself to be stronger with her nen had been deemed harder then she originally thought. For even though her doll like nen was able to do simple task like moving things, she wanted to be able to absent mindly moving it to her whim, instead of concentrating so hard.

"Is something the matter?" A robot voice echoed into the small room.
"Ah!" Akira has screamed once more. "Illumi- san? Is there something I can help you with today?"
"Possibly." Illumi pondered. Although his body language said he was thinking, his actual tone and expression did not.

Brainiac [Illumi X OC] OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now