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My life wasn't all bad, I mean it was a fun time until I was about 7.

I am an only child so you could say I was spoilt, a bit. I didn't have any friends, my only friend was my father. He would always carry me around and play with me. He would always call me 'his little princess'. I felt really special. My parents were also very lovey-dovey. We would always have picnics in the park on Saturdays. My father was a teacher and looked after the delinquents, sometimes he would even call then to play with us. After my father got fired, he took over my grandfathers cafe.

When I was 7 my parents were constantly fighting. Christmas night my father came home and saw mother with another guy in bed. The next morning when I woke up my father wasn't at home he left without saying a word. Instead it was another male in his place. 'Why did father leave!?'-'was it because of me!?'-'it's all my fault father left'-'it was my fault mother stopped loving father.' I could only blame myself for everything that happened. My mother wasn't sad at all. Each day was a different guy. The happy times had suddenly faded.

I'm Shiina Yanagi, 17 years old, Mother of 2 children.

At the age of 10 I was raped by my boyfriend, and gave birth to Hikaru... he then ran away when he knew I was pregnant. My mother gave up on me and abandoned me.

At the age of 16 I was kidnaped and raped...again.
And gave birth to another healthy child, Kaori.

You could say, I'm unlucky.

But...these things didn't stop me from living and loving these two cuties.

「4:10am, Monday」
I wake up to the sound of crying, I slowly get out of bed and walk over to Kaori's cradle and pick her up. This is how I wake up everyday. I carry her around waiting for the water to finish boiling. I hand her, her bottle and we watch some tv. Soon enough we both fall asleep.

"Mum wake up! We're going to be late!" Hikaru calls out waking both me and Kaori. "Uwa! I'm sorry Hikaru! Are you finished getting ready!" I reply back getting off the couch.
"Yes! I'm already ready."
"Can you please get Kaori ready! I'm going to change then we'll go down to the store and buy some lunch." I hurry around to the bathroom then to the kitchen. We are all ready and we head out the door. We stop by the convenience store and buy some lunch. I drop Hikaru off to school and take Kaori to 'Yanagi's Cafe'. "Good morning." I greet the staff as I enter the door. "Mornin" the staff reply. The co workers there are the delinquents my father took care of when he was a teacher. They are now in there 20s and are working in this place. "Tanaka-kun, Kaori's in the play area. I'll be leaving. Cya after school!" I put Kaori down and left the cafe.

I enter the classroom and take my seat by the window. I pull out my headphones and manga. Home room begun and I put away my belongings. "Alright everyone today we have a new student. He just transferred today so please treat him kindly~" Asahina-sensei says.

(Eek!! Idek! It sounds boringggg~ anyways I hope you guys enjoy this story I'll hopefully post every week... ik where I'm going with this I just don't kno how to write..yikes)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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