Chapter 1 : New boys

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As usual I wake up because of my alarm. Get up sit and stare at my feet even though my eyes are close for 5 minutes then I go to shower and do my morning routines. Dress in my uniforms and still wondering why they don't make a pant for girl too only boy have...

I comb my hair and tied it messily. I don't even give a shit about my hair.i grab my bag and head downstairs. Arrives downstairs being greet by my lovely mom. I back hug her. She startled and turn around. She smile as soon as she see me.

" Good morning " Was all coming out of her mouth every morning I think I can't live happily if I don't hear this word from this woman every morning. She's the only one I act sweet to. She suffer too much....

Dad leave her because of a girl who isn't even pretty. Mom is the prettiest in world. After dad leave I promise not to break mom heart and obey her everything she want me to do. My thought is interrupted because of someone back hug me. I turn around and see my brother.

" Let go of me " I said.

He shake his head meaning no.

" I'm hugging mom not you " He said teasingly.

My blood boil up.

" But I'm beside mom and you're hugging me " I said again.

" I don't care " He said calmly making me want to punch his perfect face. It's baekhyung my brother. We argue everytimes we met like every single day. We continue to argue ignoring mom who tell us to stop but then she shout.

" CAN YOU BOTH STOP YELLING AND EAT THE BREAKFAST PEACEFULLY ?? " Mom yell and we quickly became silent and remove our hand which is on both of our neck.

" THANK YOU " Mom said again and we all sit and have the breakfast. I done the breakfast first and walk to school. I plugged my ear with my headphone and open the song Sistar " Lonely "

It been along time since they disband but I still couldn't get over them. If they disband the summer won't be fun again. They're the QUEEN of summer. Without even noticing I arrive at the school. I continue my way to my locker and take out my book for math. Someone remove my headphone and my blood boil up. I turn around to see my friend Jennie.

She was smiling cutely at me. I pinch her cheek. Her face change to a grumpy one.

" That's hurt " She said while she rubbing her cheek. I laugh. I continue taking my books out of my locker. Jennie peek through my shoulder. I turn around to her.

" what ? " I said. Jennie smile lit up again.

" Today we have new student !! " She said excitedly. I still have my poker face. What so special about new student ? I have no interest so I turn back to my locker and continue my work.

" Aren't you excited ? " She asked while peeking through my shoulder again.

" No... " I said while preparing my book.

" Why ?? " She asked.

" Nothing special about them " I said.

" I heard that they're so handsome " She said while I close my locker when I finish preparing my book.,

" Whatever handsome or not handsome still human " I said while walking while Jennie follow me form behind.

" You should start dating " She said while catching up with me.

" hurts " I said. I never date but I have a huge crush on someone in my elementary school. I forgot his name but his name is like jungshook or something. He's so handsome and kind. But he changes school when we are in middle school...and I was left behind hurt....I just move on 1 years ago. I know from elementary ? Haha long times to move on....

I arrive at my class and sit down Jennie sit down next to me because she's my seatmates duh. I just rest my head on the table for a good 10 minutes and the teacher came. I raise my head up to see 7 boys following after him. Two of theirs face is so familiar.

" Okay class as the news there are new student attending our school today and they're trainee form BigHit entertainment. Please boys introduce yourself one by one " He said to the class and turn to the boy back.

" Hello I'm namjoon nice to meet you " The one with the dimple when he smile start first.

" hi I'm princess Jin hope we can be friends " He said when namjoon hit him from behind his back earning a " Yah " from him.

" Hi I'm Yoongi " The one with the mint hair speak up his face look familiar. Of course his name is familiar too.

" Hi My name is jimin " The boy with the plump lip speak up and winks making the girl in class nearly dead but not me of course. He's definelitly a playboy.

" hi I'm Taehyung call me V " The boy with the box slime speak up cheerfully.

" hiiii I'm your hope call me j-hope " This boy bright up my day.

" Hi I'm jungkook " Wait jungkook..? His face look familiar his name too.. Could he be the one ?? No his name is jungshook not jungkook.

But his face is so familiar.....

To be continue...

A/N : How's the story so far ? is it good or bad ? let me know ;) enjoy ❤️

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