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Want a cover??
U found the right place!

Comment here, On this page -next to the Form
If you want me to make a cover for you

1. A Mention my name in the decription of the book ,the cover is being used for.
Eg: Cover by Ario_Star

2. Reads and comments on my books.
  I'll checking ur book out too

3. A permanent follow to this account

4. Tell ur friends about this book
I work hard on making covers soo please help this book grow

Password: AidLuceJuli

Ordered Form:

Name of book:

Subtitle (Extra Text):
<It is optional>

Authors name:

Genre of the book:
< eg: Fantasy, Chicklit, etc>

<Or maybe specific colours to be used>

Plot(again optional):
<Has to be very brief about a para not more.>

Face Of The Cover( optional):
< Any specific actor or actress that needs to be used for the cover>

<It is there in d descrip>

Tag (3 friends):

Preamde Form:

Name of the book:

Subtitle(Extra Text)
< Optional >

Author's name:

How does this cover suit your book:

Anything else:


Tag (3 friends):

                  _____{'• > •'}_____

Comment your form here --

Thank you guys.
Will get in touch with u asap for the cover.


Cover Shop [Closed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang