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Name - Shadow Kinokon

Her Class- She is an Alpha

Her Age- She is 16 years old and was born on December 16, 2001

Gender- Female of course

Position/Does- Her position is the Kinokon Pack Alpha, which is the strongest clan in her world, she helps trains her childhood freinds, and helps around in her clan

Blood- She is a full blooded demon, wolf, siren Kinokon which is the strongest one in her clan

Her Demon Name- Is Killer, she oftens argues with her in her mind, but can take over Shadow's body, but they get along very well

Her Demon Name- Is Killer, she oftens argues with her in her mind, but can take over Shadow's body, but they get along very well

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Killer's Class- Well she us a Alpha as well

Killer's Age- She is also 16 years old

Killer's Position/Does- Is the Demon Kinokon Pack Alpha, and helps Shadow take control of the disrespectful demons, wolves, and sirens in their clan

Their Trained to Do- As a assassin at the age of 5, but was being abused by her father at the age of 4, and was being trained to take the pain and to be the next Kinokon Pack Alpha. She also learned to take care of her childhood friends, and to the Alpha in her group

Shadow's Parents- Her father is Shiki Kinokon which is an Alpha and her mother is Nikki Kinokon which is an omega but is the only one that can put Shiki in his place

Killer's Parents- Her father is Killo and her mother is Melody

Their Pets- Has a female Legendary Wolf named Flade and a male Legendary Dragon named Night

Their Siblings- Her older brother Ghost Kinokon is 17 years old and is a tactic, her younger sister Shade Kinokon is 15 years old and is a weapons designer, her second sister Lighting Kinokon is 13 years old and us a tracker, and last be not least is little Midnight is 5 years old and is a healer. Shadow and Killer are very proud of their siblings, no matter what.

Then Shadow's and Killer's Childhood Friends and they are.

Reds Hung which is Shadow's beta, Galaxy Yin her second in command, Zero and Ezal Shin her third in commands these pair are twins, Kade Con has the links, Star Yin is a healer her brother is Galaxy Yin, Slade and Blade Nik are weaponary but are goofballs and are twins, Fade Ki is a tracker, Nate Ona is the food supplier, Rose Nuka is a Wild Card, Jade Nuka is the cook Rose and Jade are twins, Mary Ona is a tactic, and last but not least is Faith Ki is a healer.

Their Mate- Is Ray Hingb which is the older sibling of Reds Hing. He is 18 years old and is an omega. Ray is a very skilled archer

Enemies- Kino Non, he is 25 years old, Shadow and Kino met each other 6 years ago, and hated each other since then, her aunt or Un in their language Linda Kinokon, her un and her fight often mostly because Linda talks sh*t to her mother, and her uncle or Ua Rick Shin, she hates Rick because he does the same as Linda.

Shadow's Personality- She is mostly calm, but is also kind often to her pack, and offers kids food in her clan and allows them to play with Midnight, she can be very caring, she can't help but love her group, she oftens shows dominates when a younger alpha tries to challenge her and tells them that it is not a good idea to challenge her when she can kill them in a second, she is very overprotective of her pack (except of her father) especially the omegas because they are so rare in her pack, very aggressive is you threaten or attack her pack, is very playful with her childhood friends and only they see her soft side, and she can very serious about dealing things that are major.

Killer's Personality- She is often playful when Shadow allows her to take control of their body, often likes to play pranks with Slade and Blade on their friends, she loves to drive Shadow crazy and annoy the he'll put of her, she can be overprotective at times, she can be calm at times but also be serious at times when the worst happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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