A Purpose Faded Away

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What happens when a purpose fades away?

Perhaps it disappears like breath on foggy glass

Or does it leave someone gasping for rehabilitation, like a fish out of water?

Maybe it cracks and falls apart like earth in your hand

The tiny pieces crumbling down, replenishing you with the fact that

It was only made out of sand and dreams.

Remember that it lasted, though.

Hallelujah; it lasted.

A purpose drained away

Paints the sun black

Slowly, but surely seeps the color from out of the world

Until your eyelids flutter open to reveal pitch black nothingness.

Remember that you are still lasting, though.

Hallelujah; you are still lasting.

Look around and you see

The same people

Hunched over the same cloud,

Same pressure.

Each traveling down the same road.

Growing gloomier.

They are still lasting, though.

Hallelujah; they are still lasting.

And though you say

Time is just a circle,

No progress,

Only misery-

Ignorant, hellish misery;

I disagree.

For it is not about if you have seen the light,

But rather if you believe the light is there.

And if you believe the light is there,

Then it is.

You will begin to see that we are all lasting.

Hallelujah; we are still lasting.


We are molded from the same hands

That grew blooming flowers from the darkest of dirt,

Painted clouds upon the bluest of skies.

The same needle and thread that made us sewed the wings of birds that soar so high,

They can be free.

Within us dances the same energy that causes the seasons to change;

And if the earth can bring spring back to life every year,

Why can't we?

Realists who only see a circle

Forget that we are not just made up of skin and bones,

We are made up of everything.

Our souls can feel splashing waves against the shore

Or the sweet song of the lark in the morning.

The spirits of all who've come before us:

The warriors, fighters, dreamers-

Their perseverance lives inside of us,

It is woven into our skin.

The color of the sunset

The laughter of a baby

The smell of fresh dirt after a rainstorm

The taste of nectar on the tip of your tongue

And the feel of cool, heavy raindrops on your face;

That is purpose.

Put your hand over your heart and feel the rhythmic beats inside your chest;

That is called a purpose.

Once you no longer see life as a shape- but rather the feeling

Of the "minor fall and the major lift";

You will feel the Hallelujah. 

A Purpose Faded AwayWhere stories live. Discover now