The Beginning of the End

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"Zayn Look Out!!!" Aila Screamed at the top of her lungs as the dragon flicked its tail in my direction shooting a hole load of toxic spikes, I quickly Jumped away and threw one of my knives at it's eyes hoping to blind it. As the beast screeched and clawed at its face i thought back to just how I'd gotten into this situation.

*Two Days Earlier*

*Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing* The School bell at Takeyama High rings, signaling the end of my last class period of the day, as I'm walking down the stairs the loud speaker comes on and i hear the Vice Principles voice come on "Zayn Kashima to the Vice Principle's Office, Zayn Kashima to the Office" *Click* the intercom goes silent and i start wondering what i could have possibly done wrong as i walk to the office. The walk to the office was long and the students i passed gave me a look that clearly said "it was nice knowing you". The Office Aid gave me a weak smile almost like she was wishing me a happy afterlife. I knocked on the Vice Principle's door and slowly opened it, but what i saw was not what i was expecting all. I was Expecting the Vice Principle to have his usual sneer and be holding a detention slip but instead of him what was In front of the desk was a girl i had never seen in my life before, she had waist length Reddish Blonde hair and and a kind of pale complexion that made her dark brown eyes more noticeable in her face. Her lips were a deep red and she looked like she had just stepped out of an Anime,

"Hello Zayn, I'm Aila Shinami, Would you like to go on a date with me?" She smiled and winked at me while I just stared in shock at the thought that this girl, who i had no idea who she was, was asking me on a date without us having met before. "Hmm Perhaps that was a bit too forward, allow me to try again" She said covering her smile with her hand, "Hello Zayn, My Name is Aila Shinami and I will be accompanying you from now on." I smiled weakly still a bit shaken and bowed. "A pleasure to meet you Aila" I said acting tougher than i felt at the moment, She grinned and hoped off of the desk and took a second to straighten her skirt before walking over to me. We left the office together and the whole way to my bus stop i kept wondering who she was and why she was suddenly accompanying me.

"Tadaima, minna" I yelled to my family's house hoping that no one else was home yet. When i didn't get a response i stepped inside and removed my shoes at the entry and then walked upstairs to my room, Aila followed me like a puppy up the stairs and just plopped herself down on my bed when she came into my room. I sat at my desk and began writing my essay for the next day's language class. "So, Don't ya want to know who i am?" Aila suddenly spoke up from my bed making me jump a mile. "I know who you are" i responded calmly "you are Aila Shinami" i then went back to writing my essay but a second later she put her face between me and the paper and smiled deviously and asked again "I said don't you want to know who i am?" I sighed and realized that this was probably not going to stop until i agreed to let her talk "Fine" i sighed feeling defeated "Who Are You?". A big grin spread across her face and she giggled "Well, I'm a Human but I have a special ability I think you'll like"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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