Chapter 1: Summer Holidays!

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'Ring Ring' The bell for the end of school rang. Summer had officially begun! Grace and Emma raced out the door and skipped happily to their mum's car, and soon waved goodbye to their school for 7 weeks. As they were driving along, Grace starred at Emma, fascinated by the huge grin stuck to her face. They soon arrived home, they threw their bag down and ran excitedly up the stairs, ready to have the best holiday ever!

"Come and get your tea girls!" Their mum shouted as she was laying the tasty roast dinner onto the kitchen table. Grace's eyes lit up as she set her eyes on the feast.
"Wow mum! This looks great! I can't wait to eat this!" Explained Grace as she sat down at the table. 'Ding dong' It was their dad at the door, he had been to work and was now going to come to a table full of food to fill his big belly.
"Wow I can't wait to eat all this! I think everything on this table should go to me." Stated dad as he placed his jacked on the back of his chair. The girls laughed and put their hands around their plates to hide the food.

Once tea was ate, the girls decided to make a dance up to celebrate the start of summer. Emma and Grace both loved to dance and often made little routines up together. So the girls went upstairs and started to practice their dance. Hours they were up there rehearsing and rehearsing their routine until they finally decided that it was good enough to show.

The family went outside, mum and dad sat down ready to watch the dance that the girls had made up.
The girls started their routine, smiles stood out in their mum and dad's faces, they clapped along to the music and even had a little dance themselves. But when it came to the 'amazing lift' that the girls had prepared, things didn't go how they were meant to. Emma ran up to Grace, thinking that Grace would catch her when she jumped...but instead Grace got distracted by a beautiful butterfly flying past and forgot to catch Emma, they both flew across the bottom of the garden and hit their head on the back wall.

Struggling to find their feet, Grace noticed a wonderful flower, she felt it but as she put her hand further and further through the bush of flowers, she felt something hard...something that didn't feel like a brick wall. She pulled back the bush, to reveal a secret, mysterious gate...

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