WhY iS It tHaT i'M DiFeReNt?(Whitey and Jeff fanfiction)

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Whitey ran for his Life as his friends chased him. why did he tell them! They were going to kill him!

They caught up when he reached a dead end in town. "You're dead whitey!" Screamed Vince.

"NO!PLEASE!ITS NOT MY FAULT! screamed whitey."Too late for that whitey!"screamed hwnt.

Vince kicked him in the stomach. Whitey felt anger take over. Demon wings appeared on his back. He grew fangs. Jeff,Vince,and Hwnt backed up in shock. "YOU'LL SEE WHAT A REAL VAMPIRE CAN DO!" Screamed whitey as he attacked.

Part 2 coming soon!

WhY iS It tHaT i'M DiFeReNt?(Whitey and Jeff fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now