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Liya is a normal, teenage girl who dreams way to far, wears the hijab and loves her life just as it is. She dreams about finding her perfect one. She believes Allah (god) is the one who already knows who she will end up with. Can there really be someone who truly loves her? What happens when her engagement is decided? When she finally meets him. Irfan. He turns out much worse than she thought he would be, she realizes love isn't all that cliché' they show in the movies. Irfan despises Liya, although Liya doesn't dislike him, she understands and wants to help. Irfan and Liya teach each other many life lessons without realizing it. Liya loses interest in Irfan and calls off the engagement, Irfan agrees. Liya's old best friend comes to town. Arib. Liya and Arib have a lot to catch up on, since they were best friends until 3rd grade. Arib and Liya get so close that Liya tells him that she and Irfan were engaged, but she called off the engagement. The next day, Arib proposes to Liya's father for her hand in marriage. Meanwhile, Irfan learns the error of his ways, and is outraged to hear Arib's proposal, he keeps quiet. On the wedding day, when they ask for any objections, Irfan rises. Everyone in the room turns, all eyes on Irfan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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