Chapter One - First Sight

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It's a normal day. I'm eating lunch with my friends like I do every afternoon. I'm surrounded by my best friend Ashlynn, her girlfriend Leah, and the other couple in our friend group, Sophie and Val.

Yes, I'm literally the only straight one in our squad. Figures I'm the only single one too.

I look over across the lunchroom to where Winston -a friend that's more like an annoying sibling- normally sits during the lunch hour to make some dumb face at him, and see you. 

I'd seen you in the halls before, and noticed your height and distinguishable features. Tall, with shoulder length strawberry-brown hair- (don't ask me what that is, I've never known someone with hair that color) -and a strikingly handsome face: sea-green eyes, a sharp jawline and lips that almost seemed smaller than you'd expect but looked softer than silk. Recognizing you from passing in the music hallway, I remember seeing your athletic build, a slim (but no doubt muscular) torso, fair sized biceps and legs that were so long they were almost too long. Damn!

Why was a guy like that sitting with Winston?

So after lunch when Winston came over to my table for our next period, study hall, I asked him, "who do you sit with at lunch?"

"Well, there's Eli, Tyler, John, Brooke, Bri-" I cut him off.

"Who's the tall guy with the nice hair?"

"Oh, that's Evan Smith."

"Oh, well he's really cute," I say, trying not to make a big deal out of it. I didn't do a good job, apparently, because it was like a lightbulb turned on above his head. His eyes lit up and his jaw slowly dropped.

"You guys would be PERFECT together! I'm setting this up. I ship it. He hasn't had a girlfriend since like, eighth grade."

Oh no. He actually wants to do something about this.

At this point, my anxiety kicks in.

"Don't go doing this. I don't need a matchmaker. All I said was he was cute."

"Which implies that you like him," he snap-pointed at me.

"It implies that you have one cute friend, which is surprising, because I thought you didn't have any friends at all."

"Ha-ha, very funny, you don't get to change the subject right after you tell me that Evan is cute." He waves his hand at me in a brush-off-my-comeback kind of way as he continues. "You guys are basically like the same person anyway. Now that you said it, no takeseys-backseys, it needs to happen."

"First of all, no one has said 'no takeseys-backseys' since like, elementary school. Second of all, I've never even met this kid. I don't even know what grade he's in, let alone if he's a decent person." And what I was saying was true. He's crazy, I'd never said a word to this guy. He probably doesn't even know I exist-- correction, I'm sure he doesn't.

"He's a senior, he's 17, and of course he's a decent person. You have to be a decent person to be friends with someone like me."

"So it's a pity-friendship," I poke.

His lip quivers in a fake cry and his bushy caterpillar-eyebrows shove together. "Why do you have to be so mean to me?" He whines.

"You walked into it." I say, and as he opens his mouth to defend himself, the bell rings, signaling the end of the ten minute break between lunch periods. This is the one time every day where we really have to hurry to get to the library so the 2nd lunch stampede doesn't smother us.


Author's note:

Hi guys! Welcome to anther book I'm attempting! This is kind of a new style for me, so if you have any advice for me, I'll be glad to take it in the comments or on my page. I'm not popular on here, so honestly this is just kind of a way for me to keep track of my love-life. Oh! I forgot to mention. This is actually a true story of the bizarre journey of meeting my favorite person in the world and (*spoiler alert*) falling in love. 

Obviously, all the names and some of the discriptions of the people are changed for privacy reasons, blah blah. I'm excited about this though! (I'm also not kidding, all of the stuff in this chapter and those to come actually happened, yes, to me, and yes, I am just this awkward. Oof.)

But thanks for reading this work-in-progress! Like I said, I'm not popular on Wattpad, and I'm kind of new to the writing scene, but can we get this chapter to 25 votes? (God, I sound like a youtuber.)

Catch you guys on the next few chapters. :)

- Cannot_be_fixed <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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